Letting Out Rachel Gayle

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Letting Out Rachel Gayle

After that talk at Starbucks, I waited for my phone to ring, I really want to get Rachel out as soon as possible, I forgot to ask how many days he's been keeping her, but I'm guessing he had her kidnapped when he called my number 'accidentally' at midnight, and that was infact, a few days back.

And I have a question in mind: Is Henry even aware of this? I mean if he's a real man, he would get beaten for his girl, but letting Jace, this bad boy keep an innocent girl on his basement? This is crazy?

Well, he's beaten up by Jace, but I guess the Principal really wanted them to part ways...such as...different schedules and no classes together. Ever.

It's already 7 pm, and no call from Jace. I kept glancing my phone while I eat with my Dad. He notices, as I do one thing.





"Is...there something bothering you Drey?" he asks, stopping myself from repeating my actions.

'Hmm. Oh yeah, i'm waiting for some kidnapper to release a kidnapped victim here, and for some unknown reasons, he's still not calling' is what I want to answer, but I kept my promise to myself that I'll dig deep to this man, I'll know who really Jace is. Considering I made a deal to him that I would help him get his 'revenge' on Henry...without harm that is.

"Umm...Nothing, Dad. Just waiting for a call." I answer, and I can tell that answer sort of satisfied him of his suspicions.

"For whom, your boyfriend?" he jokes.


I almost spit my drink to my own Dad by letting out a joke, but even before I did, I calmed myself from doing that, and gulped.

"No, of course not."

"Hey, just making sure you're not hiding something from me, especially boys." he said, before stuffing his mouth with food.

After the 'Interrogation Dinner' with Dad, my feet led me to go to my bedroom, and I don't know, stare at my phone for maybe signs of his calls.


FINALLY! I couldn't be happier to hear that ring, though I'm still changing my annoying ringtone to a mute.

7:38 pm - Fourth Call
Audrey < Jace & Rachel

"Hey! How's my sexy goddess doing?"

"Oh god, now you're calling me sexy goddess?"


"Where's Rachel?"

"Come on Audrey, why don't you call me something now?"

"Okay, perverted jerk, where is Rachel?"

"Niceee, hold up, i'll give my phone to her."

"Okay, sure thing..."

". . ."

"Hello?" a girl now talks on the phone.

"Hi. Is this...Rachel?"

"Yes, and this is Audrey Malor, is it?"

"Yep. So, are you okay?"

"Well, if your asking me in my condition, yes."

"How's Jace treating you there?"

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