Chapter Three:Get over you.(Jane's POV)

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I can't believe it.The hell I'm in.I have no family left.I guess the gangs my only family now.I'm scared.What if Ponyboy gets bitten?What if.....Just a bunch of damn what ifs.Get that out of your head,Jane!Get i-

Ponyboy interrupted my thoughts as Roxelle and I sat on the porch steps outside the house .Roxelle's fingers mine were still intertwined.My head was on her right shoulder.Pony stood in front of us.Roxelle was looking at him,while I stared strait,still in shock of what happened."Sorry,Jane.That's tough to loose somebody you care about."He said,with caring and loving eyes.He squatted in front of me.He put his hand on my right cheek."Can I see where he's buried?J-just you"He asked.

I looked at Roxelle.She gave me the,OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh!! look.I rolled my teary eyes and I smiled.I loved Roxelle like a sister.After all I've been through she was always there.

I looked at Ponyboy and said:"Sure."He came and sat by me.

"Uh...I'll just go somewhere else now!"Roxelle said,smiling.She whispered into my ear."Go get 'em tiger!!Here's your chance!"She let go of my hand.My hand got cold after her warm hand left mine.It was late and cold outside.She began to get up and walk off and she turned her head around and winked as if a "good luck" signal.I smirked and rolled my eyes.She went inside,slamming the screen door.

I turned toward Ponyboy.I sighed."Come."I said sadly looking down.He followed me to where Dylan was buried.Tears came rolling down my face faster then lava down an active volcano.I put my left hand on my chest near my heart.I gripped the top of my shirt.I looked down,closing my eyes and crying even more.

To my surprise Ponyboy grabbed my rught hand,squeezing it in affection.I looked up and opened my eyes.My left hand fell to my side.

"Jane,everything's gunna be OK.Those zombies ain't gunna hurt you.I'm going to be there and protect you."He said.I looked at his sorrowful face.He stood in front of me.He grabbed my other hand.He leaned in.He kissed me gently on the lips.Ponyboy Curtis kissed me!

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