Chapter Ten: Just Minutes (Roxelle's POV)

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Someone takes my lifeless body from Jane. I was carried bridle style but my head was hanging down. My eyes were partly closed. My eyelashes covered them up. Still I feel myself slipping. My heavy breaths have slowed to almost nothing. But I try. Everything is blurred people are rushing around me. Their voices soft. Slowly I stop functioning. First my movements. Then my sight dims, and then my hearing becomes faint. My breathing slows, slows, and slows more, tell almost nothing can be heard. Death is upon me. It can't be! Not yet not already. I need more time. But my soul disowns me. Finally it lets go and I am my soul drifting up. I see her. Me. My body. Abandoned but as my lifeless body lies there its beautiful. It didn't seem "She" or me was actually dead just asleep. In a deep blissful sleep. I feel myself levitate to the top of the world. To the heavens. There I am visible. The light reflects of my gleaming soul. All is quiet. Someone touches my shoulder. I turn and find a man tall, powerful. It was him.  

"Come child. Enter my kingdom." He guides me in the direction of the gates. All golden and around are mirrored doors. Doors that show you who you are. I walk by each one only getting a glimpse of what I am. I reach the gates and He stands where I begun watching me. I am about to push open the gates.  

"Wait." I release the golden handle. 

"Darling I know what you want." He says his voice booms.  

"Then you know.. I... I don't want to stay here." He nods. 

"You can choose your soul isn't gone fully from your body you still have time. Or you can let it go. Have a life here where no harm can come to you." I want go home. I want to see Soda and Johnny and everybody again. I want Jane. I want to go back to throwing mud balls into each others hair. I want to breath. I want to live again.  

"Thank you but I would like to go back to my friends. They need my help." He nods and points to one of the mirrors. I look and see beauty. 

My face was soft even not one scar, my hair was black perfectly layered, small hints of red. I was skinny, Jane was right, I was extremely skinny. I wore a white gown that flowed, soft, the sleeves covered my arms. I lift one sleeve my cuts were gone. Every cut on my body was gone. I notice something on my leg I still had my gash. I look at my side the wound still there. Now I understand I was remade only to an extent. But me was still partly there. I push on the mirror which sucks me through. My soul glides back to my body. I was me again. Slowly I began to breath again slightly, I could move my head now. Yet I was still pretty much dead no sight, no sound, nothing major. But I was glad, glad to be alive.

Out of Time(The Outsiders fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora