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Biggest sweetest dedications to:
You best get on their books 👌
It's barely been a week and I'm still waiting for Harry to either say thank you to us or fucking tweet anything at all!!!

Dammit Harold!

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The question that kept appearing in Louis' head was 'What did he mean by "Sir Hawk"?'

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The question that kept appearing in Louis' head was 'What did he mean by "Sir Hawk"?'

He hadn't told Harry what he said yet. He needed to find out what it meant on his own first before he can share that info. He thought it was safer that way.

It was now the first month of training and him and Harry had to leave to meet Niall and Liam so that they could go meet their trainer.

The two teams had been allowed to join and have two close trainers so they could train together. They just had to. They needed all the time together they could possibly get.

This was week four since they actually came to Area 45 as competitors and that fact had absolutely refused to settle in Louis' head. He won't lie, he did have an occasional panic attack now and then. Neither Harry nor Niall knew about it. He just didn't want them to worry on anything that was not their project.

So he learnt to handle himself alone.

Right now as he sat looking at a computer screen looking for anything that led to him getting an explanation as to why he was being referred to as a "hawk".


Niall knocked and opened the door, walking in and shutting the door behind him. He leaned against it, looking at Louis with such uncertainty Louis was actually curious.

"What's up Ni?"
"I kinda like have something to sorta tell you."

Louis motions them over to the bed and lays down. Niall lays beside him and cuddles him, not realizing just how much he missed cuddling with his best friend.

"Please don't hate me."

He squeaked so low Louis almost missed it.

"I could never..."

He couldn't even finish his assurance when Niall blurted something out and nuzzled his head into Louis' side.

Gameplan [Larry AU] ☑️Where stories live. Discover now