The killer turned towards the woman, a book in hand. He smiled sinisterly and laughed at her terrified face. Luckily he was facing away from the door, I took this chance and snuck into the room. The two children gasped quietly and cried more, in joy I'm guessing. The accountant was too busy rocking back and forth and looking down to notice me. Armin looked up and smiled at me, his face all bloody and terrible.

"So your name is Mika Show, huh? Haha...HAHAHAHA! I remember you!!! Do you remember me~" The guy said. She shook her head no and the man stopped smiling. He slapped her across the face and the little girls screamed. I took this chance to tackle him and punch his face. Levi quickly got the two little girls while Eren got Armin. The man pushed me off and looked at me with murderous eyes.

"No...NO! IT'S YOU!!!" He screamed. Before I can move he got me in a chokehold. I kicked his private part but he didn't flinch. He was too angry to even notice. His grip on me got tighter and I couldn't breathe. I could see black dots surround my vision.

That's when everything came back and I could breathe again. Levi kicked the guy in the face but was only pushed back. The guy got up and he looked behind him. He started to run towards the entrance where Eren was dragging Armin out.

"Get back here! I'm not done with you yet!!!" He yelled. I tried to tackle him but he dodged me and punched me in the gut.

"OOF," I grunted and landed on the floor. I got up and kicked the guy in the back but he roundhouse kicked me in the gut again. Levi went after him but not even Levi could push this insane guy down. We both charged at him but were only pushed back. I hit my head on the floor and everything got dizzy.

"Sh(ift)..." I mumbled. Though everything was blurry I could see the guy push Eren almost out of the window. I thankfully saw his fingers on the ledge. The guy pulled the accountant by his tie and dragged Armin by the back of his shirt out the door. I tried to get up but stumbled and grunted. I could see blood drip onto the floor and a thick liquid trail down the side of my head. Levi came into my vision and I could feel him shaking me. Everything was ringing in my ears and I couldn't hear a word of what he was saying. He set me back down into the floor gently and the doctor came into view. She had a medical kit and she kneeled down and started to treat me. I could see that Levi was pulling up Eren from the ledge. I sighed in relief and felt my eyes closing.

"Don'!" I could faintly hear what she was saying. I couldn't help it and just let my eyes closed and then it was darkness.


I awoke with a groan and winced when I looked around. A pounding headache greeted me as I sat up slowly. I smelled the disinfectant and medicine around me. I was in the hospital. I looked up and Levi was leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. His eyes snapped open when he heard movement.

"(Y/n)?" He said a little surprised.

"What happened?" I instantly said. He sighed and pushed himself off the wall. He pushed me back so I was laying in the bed again. The bed rose so I was still laying down but now I was tilted up.

"Do you remember anything?" Levi asked as he took a seat next to me. I nodded.

"I can remember everything just fine. Except, I'm curious. What happened to Armin and Eren?" I asked. He clicked his tongue and turned towards me a little more.

"Don't get mad but...after the killer left, dragging an accountant and Armin with him, he got into this truck and threw the two in there. Without my consent, Eren just has to be the hero and jump into the back of the truck as well." He explained. I groaned and facepalmed.

"That stupid, determined boy. What am I going to do with him?" I sighed.

"I guess it cannot be helped. We'll have to go after him." Levi said. I nodded and started to get up when I was pushed back down again.

"Hey!" I growled at Levi.

"You need rest." He simply said and walked outside of the room. I heard him shut the door with a soft click. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.



A/n: Sup' fangirls. I'm back with another chapter that isn't as much as a cliffhanger. I know that this is a shorter chapter but I lifted myself a bit and got to writing this chapter. Sorry for mistakes, I'm typing this on my phone again.

Anywho, it seems that the plot just got twisted again and now Eren is missing as well as Armin. Levi and (y/n) are the only ones left at the moment. What will they do next? How will they save Armin and Eren?

Eren is getting all determined again. But we all know that we secretly love the stubborn, teal-eyed boy.

Alright! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

Published: January 30, 2017

Edited ✔️

Futuristic Reality | Rookie!Levi x Reader ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora