"Who's this?" A girl with long blonde, silky hair inquired as I fiddled with my fingers nervously, examining over all their forms.
"Meredith. Shes new here." Eva introduced.
"Hi." I uttered awkwardly, giving them a slender smile.
"I'm Noora." The one with short platinum blonde hair and bold crimson red lipstick, introduced herself.
"Sana." The one with the hijab draped over her head, chimed in.
"Vilde." The one with the long blonde hair from a few moments ago spoke up.
"Chris." The last girl announced, chinning her head up 'swaggily', as she sucked on a plastic spoon she toyed with in her mouth.

I gave them an adequate smile, twisting a ring on my index finger continuously; a habit of mine.
I retrieved my phone that had vibrated in my back pocket.

Daddio: You make it to school safely?

Meredith: Yup.

Daddio: Okay, have a great day at school. Love you.

Meredith: Love you too.

I slid my phone back in my pocket, as I glanced back up at the girls.
They were looking over my slim shoulders.
Eva cleared her throat. I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion, twirling around to figure out what they were drawn too.

A group of boys - might I say, attractive boys - had approached us.
My Adam's apple bobbed, as they were standing directly infront of me.
I backed up a couple steps, acknowledging that they were eyeing my form.

"Party on Friday, y'all comin'?" The one more up to the front of the group of guys questioned, briefly looking over my shoulder to the other girls then rejoining our eyes together.
I chewed with my bottom lip nervously.

"Yes!" Vilde's squeaky voice chimed, making me involuntarily roll my eyes.
Knowing these guys for pretty much the short time they were here, I assumed they were trouble.
"We'll be there." Eva declared briefer; more calmly than Vilde.

"Who's the hot newbie?" The same guy queried, eyeing my form, I rolled my eyes at his action.

I emitted a sigh, knowing I should take care of these guys - for my sake.

"Somebody who's not-interested." I spat out sternly, looked him up and down emphasizing the word 'interested' with that brief action, beaming him a fake smile.

He just exhaled a cold chuckle, relentlessly searching my surly orbs, some of the guys snickering underneath their breaths.

"I'll see you guys at the party." He proclaimed, keeping his rich sensual orbs on my own.

I instinctively rolled my eyes, wanting to decline the snobby offer for my sake.
He winked, causing my lips to configure into a revulsed frown.

"Who were they?" I inquired once they strolled off, a feeling of curiosity building inside of me.
"The Penetrators." Vilde dreamily sighed out, a look of erotic desire taking over her eyes.
"The Penetrators?"

"Yeah, and Chris was totally digging you! You guys should hook up at the party!" Vilde squealed, causing me to pinch the bridge of my noise in aggravation.
"I'll pass." I publicized without a doubt, acknowledging she was speaking about the guy who asked who I was.
"What - why?!" Vilde questioned, shocked as if she knew nobody would ever want to decline an offer to hook up with him.

Symphysis ↠ Chris Schistad [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now