Chapter 22

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it had been 2 years since sherlock and the doctor met in the middle of the night to have there little argument and nothing had changed. sherlock was still depressed, John was dead and the doctor was never seen again. sherlock still lived in 221b but Mrs Hudson didnt she couldn't put up with sherlock anymore it was too painful to watch, so she moved out and left sherlock alone again. sherlock could never get over his part in Johns death and it looked like he never will, he can become more of a pain in the arse never leaving the flat and constantly shooting the wall where John had drawn sherlock a smily face to cheer him up all those years ago.

sherlock had gotten back into his old habbits he had somehow found a drug dealer who would come round once a week and get high with sherlock. however sherlock was never truly happy, he would never be happy unless John was back with him and that could never be. many of sherlocks old friends poped round to see how he was doing but sherlock pushed them away and one day they stopped coming and the next and next. sherlock pushes everyone away in the end it is just a matter of time.

week after week passed sherlock had only left the falt a few times and that was just to get some food and some clean air, still nothing had changed. many times sherlock had thought of ending it all and may times he had tried but there was always something that stopped him, John. sherlock was loosing hope he kept think to him self he will come back i know it one night there will be a blue box on the corner and John would come out. however nothing happened no matter how hard sherlock wished for it.

sherlock " i dont deserve this..........i dont deserve to live on this earth!!!! not after what happened!!!!" sherlock shouted into the air and pulled out a bottle of tablets out  of his pocket " THIS IT............TIME TO END IT ALL!!!!!!! John this is for you we will be together soon" and one by one sherlock swallowed the tablets and lied down on his couch and closed his eyes.........................................

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