Chapter 14

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Sherlock spent the rest of the day at 221b crying into John's jumper, he was in no mood to talk to anyone not even Mrs Hudson who has always been there for Sherlock. Sherlock was a mess he hadn't eaten in a week and had cried at least a dozen times a day for John, who knew one man could do so much damage, who knew one man could feel so much for another person.

Sherlock didn't want to live anymore he had tried many times in the past to end his life but always stopped just before it was too late, but now Sherlock had nothing to love or and old habits were coming back to him. the first was to ignore everyone and shut himself away from the rest of the world he had tried so many times to be kind and useful when John was here but now that he is gone Sherlock has no one to be nice to, to think he is a good person, someone who was happy to see him, someone who made Sherlock carry on.

Sherlock "John I miss you so much why do you have to be dead" Sherlock shouted into the air he was standing in the middle of 221b with Johns jumper in one hand and a glass of beer in the other. Sherlock promised him self that he would never drink like this just before he met John, but now everything has changed Sherlock didn't care what he did and there was no one to stop him.

Sherlock stood there in the apartment holding John's jumper, crying, he had never cried so much in his life before but just the thought of John, if someone even whispered his name Sherlock started to cry. John meant so much to him and Sherlock never got to say it, he never told John he was the one all this time John and him sitting here in this apartment Sherlock never said it once

John you mean the world to me where would I be without you

Sherlock curled up into a ball and cried he never thought he would be in this position again, but without his John Sherlock was alone again, the man who waited for John was alone again. Sherlock was so sad he stopped deducting things he doesn't notice anything, anymore he just sat there oblivious to what was around him like he was the only one in the world, alone again.

Sherlock " alone is what I have, alone, protects me" Sherlock whispered to himself and spent the night curled up in a ball in the floor of 221b hugging John's jumper.

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