Chapter 7

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now John and detective lastrade started to wonder what really happened that day, there were so many unanswered questions that both of them had but who could they go to? not many people would believe that there friend and lover has come back from the grave and now is sending his lover notes. however the detective did keep his word he got the lab to look at the notes that had been sent  John and the detective did visit John more often now that he had second thoughts on Sherlock being dead.

John and detective lastrade were sitting in a café one afternoon when John saw a man out the window, the same man he saw leave the note, the man he thought was Sherlock.

John "detective look its the man, its Sherlock!" John shouted at the detective pointing at the window but as he did the man started to run, John jumped out of his seat and ran outside but the man was gone, Sherlock was gone.

detective lastrade "John .....John come back it wasn't him" lastrade said meeting John in the street after John had run out.

John "yes it was ... I know it, I saw him, it was Sherlock!" John was getting desperate he wanted it to be Sherlock so badly he didn't know how long he could live without him anymore.

lastrade shook his head, he wanted it to be Sherlock and he did see a man run away as John got up but it couldn't be him  the detective kept thinking. however the detective still hadn't forgotten about his police badge and ID and there was only on person who could do that, and that person was in the ground and dead or so they thought.

detective lastrade "come on John I will take you home" the detective hailed for a cab but John didn't move he was just stood there in the street.

John "Sherlock please come back to me" John whispered into the air and joined lastrade in the cab. the cab ride was silent all the way to 221b except when it was time to pay for the ride.

cabbie " that will be £17.50 please" the cabbie said to lastrade as the detective pulled out his wallet, he paid the cabbie and turned around to John.

detective lastrade " John please don't hurt yourself and be good ok no more sleeping at a grave, I will be here tomorrow ok?" lastrade said to John who was only half listening he was looking down the street at a blue square box.

the detective patted John's shoulder and left, however the cabbie stayed and looked at John then the blue box.

cabbie " funny old thing isn't it why don't you look inside" said the cabbie and John looked at the cabbie, John was taken back normally the cabbie would wear normal clothes or a uniform but this cabbie was wearing a bowtie, braces and had an odd had on his head.

John didn't know what to do but nodded and walked into his apartment, as soon as he go inside he looked out the window and saw the cabbie drive behind that blue box and the cabbie get inside. John thought to himself why would a cabbie go in there it small and strange I don't think he even is a cab driver john thought he was going crazy but then he looked again and the blue box disappeared.

John ran out of the apartment just like he did before and stood where the box had been on the ground there was another note but this time it was blue

I think I can help you John - TD

John was so confused why would a cabbie help him and why does this keep happening to me all I want is Sherlock and everything go back to normal  John thought to himself and went back inside to find Sherlock's scarf and cry until the day ended.

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