chapter 11

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Sherlock got up from where he fell and looked over the edge of St. Bart's roof he looked down to see John's broken body, blood pouring from his head and onto the pavement. Sherlock didn't know what happened one minute he was about to jump and the next minute the man he loved just threw himself of the building to save him, to save Sherlock.

Sherlock "JOHN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sherlock shouted in to the air he couldn't believe what just happened.

Sherlock ran into the building at down the flights of stairs to John who was now on the ground with a cracked skull and  a crowd gathering around his body. Sherlock ran to be at the side of his dead friend and grabbed John's wrist, Sherlock tried to feel a pulse but it was no use John was dead, his limp body was all wet and cold his eyes were empty, there no signs of life anywhere, Dr John Watson was dead and Sherlock was left  behind once again.

Sherlock picked up John lifeless body and cradled him while Sherlock cried over him, he didn't let go not until the paramedics came then Sherlock had to let go forever. Sherlock didn't know what to do he hadn't lost someone this close to him before, he had no one left now, the only man Sherlock had true feelings for was being carried away to the morgue. Sherlock just stood there, tears rolling down his face, it was never meant to end like this, Sherlock was the one who was suppose to be dead, not John never John.

but it was too late now what was done was done there was no way going back now, Sherlock would have to live each day without John, like John did for him until the doctor did this. Sherlock had no idea what the next days were going to be like the pain, the sorrow and most of all the loneliness Sherlock was alone again.

Sherlock didn't know what to do, but in the end he went to the hospital to see John one last time before it was too late. Sherlock didn't know what to say as he opened Johns body bag in the morgue he just looked at John's body and cried he couldn't bare to live everyday without John. Sherlock spent most of the day in the morgue just staring at John's body bag he had to close it because seeing John's face was too painful. eventually Mrs Hudson arrived once she had battled her way threw the press outside and went to the morgue to meet Sherlock.

Mrs Hudson " oh Sherlock .......why?" Sherlock turned to look at Mrs Hudson his face was pale and his coat had John's blood on it, his eyes were all red and he had tear stains on his cheeks.

Sherlock " ........he- he.......John's ....dead Mrs Hudson John Watson is dead" Sherlock collapsed into Mrs Hudson's arms and cried on her shoulder, her too stated crying, the both of then just stood in the morgue next to John's body crying.

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