He turned off the ignition before I could retaliate and stuck the keys deep into the furthest pocket.

Anger immediately flared through my body and I immediately held out my hand waiting for him to drop them back into my palm. The longer I waited the longer I didn't get the keys back.

"Listen. I know I was falling asleep, but Theo I need to get home. We don't have time for pulling over and fighting. We should still be on the road right now, so let's go!"

I watched his face to see if his facial features had changed at all, or to see if he was at least considering. Unfortunately he wasn't budging and that was the last straw of sanity I had packed myself for this trip because that's when the waterworks began.

"Theo. We need to go right now. It's already getting late and that's another day away. We're wasting time!!" I blubbered before the sobs eventually broke out.

All the stress and anxiousness had finally gotten to me. I couldn't hold it in any longer and there was no taking it back.

The dam had been broken, and there was no immediate repair that I could initiate to make this embarrassing moment end.

Unexpectedly, Theo leaned forward and wrapped me up into a warm embrace. His two broad arms held me tightly as I continued to bawl like a baby.

Theo held me in his arms for as long as I needed to calm down and drift into a state of near serenity. He was patient with me and didn't once open his mouth until he knew I had gotten what I truly needed: comfort.

I felt his hand glide along my hair in equal motions as he hushed me until I was relaxed. It was then that he separated us and held me from a half arms length and watched me with a small smile on his plump lips.

He tenderly wiped away my tears that were remaining on my face while he rested one hand on my cheek and slipped the other into my right hand.

"I know I don't know everything about you, Amaya, and that's completely okay. I wish you would tell me so I could be able to help you with whatever it is you're going through, but I know you, princess. I know that you don't ask for help...ever. You always toughen up and make it through on your own, so you don't have to inconvenience people. But let me tell you what, Mya, you can inconvenience me all you want. Any time and any say and I'll be there for you. All you have to do is ask. You can tell me everything you want me to know whenever you feel the time is right, and I trust you. If the situation is good or bad, present or past, I'll be there for you. I'll always be there for you."

My face felt like it was literally going to rip in two from the biggest grin that I was now sporting on my lips. I couldn't help it. Theo literally always knew what to say and when to say it.

He's always saying how I'm making him a better person, but really it's the other way around. Theo is the only guy I've ever met that has stuck by me through my tough times. We may have only met a few months ago, but it's felt like we've had each other's backs for as long as time had started.

He was the perfect guy and I was so lucky to have him.

I leaned forward and pressed my mouth to his cheek leaving a sweet kiss for a sweet boy. "Thank you, Theo. I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have you."

I climbed out of my door and walked round the front of the car and ended up on the passenger side. I opened Theo's door and watched as a confused smile made its way onto his face.

"Whatcha doin'?" He chuckled as his eyes crinkled at the corners with true humor proving it to be as real as it could get.

"Better question is: what are you doin'? And what you're doing is driving me to Louisiana. I, on the other hand, am going to take a much needed nap."

I leaned over him and unbuckled his seat belt for him before standing poker straight again. Theo remained glued in his seat with an amused look on his features that for once had no signs of mischief.

"Theo?" I asked with raised eyebrows and crossed arms before I pointed to the currently unattended drivers seat.

"Oh! Right! One trip to Louisiana comin' right up, madam!" He saluted before bolting out of the car and behind the steering wheel.

I barely got in the car again before he was turning the key in the ignition.

Oh my gosh!! A new chapter!!!

After weeks of writers block, it's finally here!! I stayed up till 3am on a school night writing this, so I really am hoping you guys enjoyed this chapter.

How was it?? Let me know in the comments!!


Thanks for hanging in there,

The Football Player's RoommateWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt