Chapter 27 ~ The End

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  • Dedicated to All of you :)

“We have to go home Ash.” Louis said to me, helping me pack my thing into the small bag we had brought. He was right; there was nothing holding us back here anymore.

The other boys had already left and we were the last ones. Skii was wide away in the baby crate but being silent for once, she would often make noises when Louis walked over and played with her.

“You ready to get out of this Hell hole?” I asked him picking her basket up and walking toward the tall doors; the exit. I scolded him for cursing but he just rolled his eyes.

“No! I’ll miss this place forever and I’ll come back every day.” He joked, laughing. We walked out the doors and to the car before the fans could spot us. “Oh my god; we could be ninjas.” I whispered as we drove off.

I was a bit nervous to go back ‘home’. I felt like I was intruding when I was there alone; but now I have Skii. She’s another mouth to feel and more responsibility for us all. I wasn't leaving anytime soon.

As we opened the door Louis gasped at the site; Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Harry were tied up a few yards away from the door. They all looked distressed and worried. “What the hell?” I spoke before I heard a hard chuckle. Luke came out of the kitchen, eating an apple.

“Oh, Ash! Welcome home!” He snickered; throwing his apple to the ground. “So nice to see you without your friend here killing my brother.” He kicked harry in the gut, making him grown.

I slowly put Skii down and faced her to the door; then slid away from her. Louis was frightened but angry; he was muttering things under his breath and clinching his fists. Luke reached in his pocket and pulled out a silver pistol then raised it to Niall’s head. “You like this one ey Ash? Don’t you remember when I told you to stay away from boys?”

He ripped the tape from Niall’s mouth making him wince. “Leave her the fuck alone.” Niall whispered; panting.

Luke pressed the barrel of the gun to the side of Niall’s head and held the trigger tighter. My heart began to race as I realized that all this was happening; it wasn't the nightmare that had played in my heads many times. 

“Luke no! Please don’t do this! Why are you doing this to me; to us? Why are you ruining my life? Why did you take me and why did you kill Adam?!” I screamed to him quickly. He paused before answering; “You’re dad; blame it on him Ash. Blame it all on him.” A gunshot filled the huge room; I screamed and fell quickly; shielding Skii with my body and holding her ears. “No!.” I cried into her as she began to cry.

“Oh my god.” I heard an irish voice speak from behind me; my head shot up and I saw Niall was unharmed but Luke was on the floor surrounded by blood. “What the-“ I began before Louis fell knees and dropped a gun beside him. His hands ruffled though his hair as tears fell onto the hardwood floor. Skii continued to cry as I left her presents and went over to Lou; holding him close to me.

“I-I had to do it. He would have killed him, then you.” He sobbed; Niall eventually wiggled free from the ropes and soon released the others. I pulled Louis up and we all gathered for a long, safe group hug.

As we parted Niall grabbed me forcefully and kissed me passionately. His lips matched mine perfectly as he held my face lightly.

“Hey; at least you’re off the code red.” Zayn joked as Niall and I parted. We laughed as Niall and I shared one final hug. “I love you.” I whispered into his ears as he did the same.

The End


So........ I guess this is it huh?

I'm sorry for the bad ending but the story started to drag out so I needed to end it here. I like this chapter but I don't know how you will feel about it.

So this is the end but there will be an epilogue. It will be posted when the story gets to 9.5k reads!

I really enjoyed writing this story; I'm glad that you liked it too!

Please vote, comment and fan for one last time!

The epilogue will be the last thing posted on this story. I may post an authors note next but I'm not sure.

Thank you all for everything; all the votes; all the read; and all the comments- they make writing worth wild.

I love you all xx

Comment what you thought of the whole story all together below!

Check out my new, upcoming story- 'The Butterfly Project // n.h au'

Thank you again and be ready for the epilogue!

See you later,

Happy Reading,

-kp x

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