Chapter 24

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@Real_Liam_Payne: ‘Im sorry everyone. As of now the tour is canceled :( . We hope u understand that we are in danger. We dont want you getting hurt. We love u all.x’

@NiallOfficial: ‘Gutted that it came to this :(. We love you all so much. You really are the best fans but maybe we arnt the best idols. Hope you understand.

@Harry_Styles: ‘Very hard to tell you this but, our tour is canceled. We hope that you’ll understand and won’t give up on us. We love you. xx

@Louis_Tomlinson: ‘Well this sucks. Please don’t hate us guys, we really do love you but family comes first. I can’t believe this is actually happening :(

@zaynmalik: ‘So sorry guys. We love you so much, don’t forget that. We will always be here for you and protect you. That’s why we’re doing this. x :(

~Ash’s POV~

“Ok boys all you need to do is say you’re sorry about the tour and they will all get refunded and free tickets for the tour next year.” The man spoke, instructing the boys who were getting ready for the short video.

“This is bullshit. We are sick of you telling us what to say. Turn the camera on and let us talk.” Louis cursed. The other boys agreed with a nod of the head.

“Just stick to the screen.” The man ordered pointing to the screen that was indicating who says what and when they say it.

“And 5, 4, 3, 2.” Liam counts down.

“Hey guys, we are gutted to announce that- no we are not doing this.” Harry started out.

Zayn followed, “We are supposed to read this bull from the screen but that’s not happening. This is our words not theirs.” The man behind the camera gave up, walking away, and letting the camera point to the ground. I quickly took his place at the big piece of technology.

“To start off we really loved the tour, you all were amazing. We don’t want you guys to forget that.” Liam started, holding his tears back. “A few weeks ago at an interview; my sister, Ash, was shot,” Louis spoke, “but that bullet was meant for me. Ash saved my life.” Niall explained. “A few weeks later, at a concert, Harry was taken. It was the worst thing that ever happened to us as a band.” Zayn began to explain another reason why the tour must be cut. “And yesterday, our drummer’s cousin was killed at rehearsals.” Harry began to cry. “The last thing we want is for one of you to get shot or hurt. We love you all too much. We really hope you understand.” Liam’s voice crooked between deep breaths. “We understand if you don’t like us anymore. We understand if you hate us.” Niall hung his head low. “But we will always love you. Thank you.” Zayn concluded. “Now because we said our own words, who knows? We may get kicked out of our contract, our management and our record label; but it had to be said. We will no longer be told what to do. For now on, this is us; the real us. Thank you for understanding.” Louis said boldly. “We are One Direction and we love you.” They spoke in unison before coming in for a group hug. I pressed to recording button again, making it stop. They were in tears, it was a heartbreaking sight.

After about 15 minutes Niall broke the silence, “We need to upload it boys. C’mon stay strong for the fans.” They walked over to the camera and Liam retrieved the tape before putting it in his computer. He logged on to the One Direction YouTube account and pressed ‘upload’, then wrote;

‘We are truly sorry about everything. We hope you understand. We love you; you are honestly the best fans a band could have.

Info about getting money back and things are on the website. xx

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