Chapter 25

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~Louis’ POV~

“She’s been in there for almost an hour.” I said, pacing in front of the boys.

“It takes time Tommo.” Liam reassured me, being half asleep.

After a few minutes, a head popped out of Ash’s door, “It’s a boy.” The doctor said with a cheesy grin. My heart exploded; a nephew. A nephew that I can teach how it play football and that Zayn can teach how to draw, Niall can teach him how to play the guitar, Liam can help him with his problems and Harry can teach him how to cook. We all cheered, making ruckus in the small hospital hallway before the doctor popped his head back out. “Calm down boys, but she just had the final baby; a girl.” He smiled at us again before returning back. Our faces were all smiles; forgetting everything that has happened to this point. I examined their expressions; it reminded me of the day we were put together, we were hugging, shouting, and pure happiness flew though our bodies.

In time the doctor came back out and told us to get the blue sterile suits on to go in the room. As we walked in I saw Ash first; she had a huge smile on her face but her eyes flashed with worry. There was a being; I would guess one of the babies, in her arms dressed in a pink blanket. As I got closer, I saw the babies’ big blue eyes staring at her mother.

“Louis,” she whispered to me looking up, “they took my baby. The said… they said there a very slim chance,” A tear fell from her eye “that he will survive.”

My heart shattered as she held her baby girl closer to her.

“It’s going to be ok. He’s going to be ok.” I whispered to her gently. Soon a nurse came to take the baby girl to make she was ok and Ash was moved to a different room.

“So what are their names?” Liam asked quietly as we settled in the new room.

“Well, ummm, the girl is Skii Evens and this boy is, ummm, Jacob Leens.” She said after giving it a long thought. He nodded, “Hmmm, Jacob and Skii. Nice!”

Ash was getting more and more worried by the second, she didn’t think the baby would make it. The doctor told us that Skii took most of the little blood that was transfused into Ash and Jacob didn’t get all the nutrients he needed for all his organs to grow fully. He was barely breathing and his heart wasn’t pumping at a steady beat. They took him in for life or death surgery to close a broken vain that popped as Ash was giving birth to him. The doctor said that he had a 5% chance to survive and that all we could do is hope. Although, I was trying to keep my head up; it was heartbreaking.

~Ash’s POV~

The pain was unbelievable. It was worse than anything I have ever been though; birth is a terrible thing to do. Sure, I’m in love with my children, Skii and Jacob were the most perfect humans I’ve ever seen, but man was it painful. Most mothers have their husbands or boyfriends in the room, holding their hand and keeping them going but I had no one; I was all alone for yet another time in my life. I knew the boys were here, the doctor told me, but it wasn’t the same.

When the first baby, Jacob, came out and I could hold him, I shed a tear; not from the pain, not from the fear, but from how beautiful he was. His eyes were closed and he was covered in slime but he was beautiful. I held him for a mere two seconds before the nurse took him away, saying something went wrong and he need immediate attention. I was terrified for my child; I prayed he would survive. Then came number two, Skii. She came out and she didn’t cry, the nurses were frantic but gave me the ok to hold her. They let me hold her for longer; they let me hold her until the boys came in with the blue doctor uniforms on.

Louis came right to me and talked to me. I couldn’t stop smiling as the baby in my arms opened her eyes, showing bright blue. I was already in love.          

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