Chapter 20

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++++++ (A/N) I know this isn't the biggest chapter but hey, give me a break. It's Christmas Eve! Hope you like it xx *You can continue reading now* +++++++

~Ash’s POV~

“Daddy, what are you doing?” I asked him as he began to hurt mommy again. He does it a lot and I don’t know if that’s a good thing. I never see much, they always send me to my room until he come to me.

“Just go to your room Ash.”He responded strictly, pointing toward the door.


“Just go to your room sweetie. It’s bedtime; I’ll see you in the morning. I love you babe.” mommy encouraged me. I obeyed and began to walk to my room down the hall. I could hear mommy scream and cry for help but I did nothing because she told me to go to my room; but I don’t like when she cries. I thought she wanted me in my room, if she wanted me to help her I would. I love my mommy so much. I sat in the corner of my dark room and put my hands to my ears to block the noise; the screams. I can’t do anything anyway; I mean I’m only six. What could a little girl like me do?

I sat there in the darkness for what seemed like hours until the door flung open reveling daddy’s angry face. I know what is going to happen now, it has happened many times before.

“Daddy please don’t. I promise I’ll be a good girl and get good grades and eats all my vegetables.” I begged him as he ignored me, coming closer with the wooden paddle. I backed into the wall trying to get away but I was trapped. He was only a few feet away as he looked down at me and chuckled.

“I hate all of you.” He spat, slapping my cheek, leaving it on fire. I began to cry as he pulled me onto my feet and swung the paddle. Why is he doing this? Where did my daddy go?


~Louis’ POV~

She’s been in a coma for the last 24 hours, the doctors have told us nothing; absolutely nothing. The boys and I haven’t left the room from the time we came in, not for food, not for sleep, we stayed with the little girl. She was our family, she was our sister. Niall hasn’t spoken a word since we arrived here; he’s taking it harder than I am which I thought was impossible. He keeps saying it’s all his fault. He just stairs at her body, watching her chest rise and fall while listening to the rhythm of the beets of the heart pace meter.

“Louis Tomlinson? The doctor would like to speak with you.” The young nurse walked into the doorway, looking up from her clipboard. I nodded as she motioned me out of the room. I quickly, but gently kissed Ash’s forehead as I made my way out.

“What? Anything good?”

“The doctor has news for you.” She signed; stopping in front of an office who I assumed was the doctors.

“What is it? Is she going to be ok? When’s she going to wake up?” I asked franticly hoping she would be ok and will wake up soon. The nurse gestured to the man sitting behind the desk, “He’ll answer your questions Mr. Tomlinson.”. She then walked away, out of my sight.

“Sir? Ash Lynn Tomlinson should wake up in a few days although, her babies may not.” He continued, looking at the papers on his desk.

“What do you mean she should wake up and what is this about babies? What are you talking about?” I threw questions at the man who should have all the answers.

“Ash has a weak heart Mr. Tomlinson. She also lost a lot of blood, blood that her and her children will need to survive.”

“I- I can give blood.” I looked down, thinking about the needle going into me skin.

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