Chapter Thirty

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Hi people!

You guys have been so quiet lately! Where is everyone!? 😢 This book is almost over and it's making me sad but I have ideas for the next one...

Let me know if you have any ideas or requests for me to write!



Gavin carries me to the counter with a smirk plastered to his face the entire time and I can only imagine the ideas running through his head at the moment.

I look up at him with a dumb smile on my face, wishing every night could be like this. I wonder if we actually spent the rest of our lives together, if this is really what most of our time would consist of because that would be an awesome life.

He places me down so I'm sitting where he was earlier, grabs the can of frosting, and nestles himself comfortably standing between my legs.

"You know what goes really good with chocolate?" He asks, dipping his finger in the frosting and then licking it off.

"What?" I ask with a grin.

"Your mouth," he says before bringing his lips to mine. The chocolate flavor of his mouth invades my senses and my eyes close feeling his tongue expertly move.

His hands grips the sides of my face as the kiss deepens and becomes more urgent. He has this way of kissing that's slow yet feels so intense.  It's rushed but not in the way like you feel he's just trying to get to the next step but in a way that he just can't get enough of my mouth.  Like holding back is not an option because the feelings are just too much.

I feel his hands move from the sides of my face and down the my shoulders where he slowly starts sliding the straps off my tank top off. My head falls back as his mouth travels down my neck . I grip the side of the counter harder as the feeling of his tongue on my skin awaken everything in my body at once.

"I love chocolate but I think you're my favorite flavor," he says against the skin at the nape of my neck. My hands slide into his hair, gripping as he bites and licks while pressing himself between my legs.

Suddenly, he stands up straight again to meet my eyes. The expression on his face is so intense that it takes me off guard.

He grabs the sides of my face once again, laying his forehead against mine, and let's out a long breath.

"I love you," he says, and his voice has  this panicked tone to it. He keeps his eyes closed, waiting to hear what he desperately wants me to say back but all that fills the room is our breathing.

"Please, Angel," he whispers. The plea in his voice makes my heart hurt.

"Gavin.." I start but his shoulders immediately fall showing defeat.

"I'm sorry..." I start again but I'm interrupted by him pushing away from me. He leans on the counter across from where I'm sitting with his arms crossed and head hanging down. I see his jaw clenching and can almost feel the anger rolling off of him.

"I just can't say it with so many things unsaid between us," I explain but he continues looking down.

The silence around us is deafening and feel like punching something because it seems like we can't have a few hours together without this shit coming up. I'm starting to realize that we can't keep going like this much longer.

"So, you think things will change once everything is said?" He says calmly looking back up.

"I don't know.  How am I suppose to know that if I have no idea what you have to say?" I say with frustration evident in my voice.

"I'm confident in my feelings, Angel," his voice gets a little more intense. "I know that whatever comes out won't change the way I feel about you,"

I fix my shirt and jump off the counter. I start pacing the room trying to think of a way to get out of this without fighting but it seems like he's ready for an argument.

"You have three years of feelings, Gavin. I've had two weeks to take this all in so you can't expect me to be just as ready to say how I feel,"

"You aren't going to tell me you love me until you hear the whole truth, is that what you're saying?"

I look at him for a few seconds before nodding my head.

"Then I'll tell you," he says confidently, walking towards me. I start shaking my head because I don't feel ready to hear it. "Yes," he nods interrupting my hesitation.

"But what if.." I start with panick clear in my voice.

"Stop," he grabs my hands. "Just listen,"

He starts to open his mouth, the words ready to pour out and that's when my front door opens.

"Mom?" I say surprised and she stops dead in the doorway looking completely confused at the scene before her. I take that second to thank God I have clothes on. I could very easily be naked with frosting covering my body right now.

"Why are you home?" I ask as me and Gavin take a few steps back from eachother. She stands there silently and that's when I notice she's glaring at Gavin, shooting death lasers at him while he uncomfortably runs his hands through his hair.

"Why are you in my house, Gavin?" She spits out and my head whips to her and then to him.

"Fuck," he says under his breath and everything around me starts spinning.

More secrets? There can't be more than there already is because I don't think I can handle it.

"You two know eachother? I would say I'm surprised but nothing seems off the table at this point," I throw my hands up in exasperation.

"I told you to stay away from my daughter and my family!" My Mom says with anger as she walks in the kitchen, completely ignoring the fact that I spoke.

"I love your daughter,"

"YOU'RE A LIAR!" She yells and it makes me jump.  I've never seen my mother this way.

"What the hell is going on!" I step between them. "Someone better explain NOW!" I yell, looking between them.

"This kid is mentally unstable and likes to spread lies about your father, Angel. I want you to stay far away from him," he points at Gavin and starts searching through her purse.

I look at him in confusion but he's just standing there shaking his head.

"What is she talking about?" I ask walking towards him but he just backs away. "GAVIN ANSWER ME!" I beg with tears starting to flow down my face but he just looks at me with a pained expression filled with guilt.

"I'm calling the police," my Mom says as she dials the phone.

I stand in the middle of them panicked, not knowing who to look at or talk to. I was wrong before. This is where everything falls apart. This is when I find everything out and nothing is ever the same.



All the secrets are coming out in the next chapter people!

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K byyeeee


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