Chapter Twenty-Five

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A/N :

Someone help me...

I can't stop...

I wrote this quickly so I apologize for any mistakes...


We didn't get much time to recover.

Gavin's doorknob starts violently shaking followed by the voice of my present therapist and his father.

"I told you not to lock a door in my house. Open it now!" He yells. He sounds incredibly angry and I look at Gavin with wide eyes.

"Shit," Gavin says under his breath.

I stand up and he grabs my hand, leading me towards his closet.

"Just stand in here for a second and grab whatever clothes you need," he says quietly. He opens the door and turns the light on and I walk in before he closes it behind me.

It's a small closet but there's enough room for me to comfortably stand  and search through the clothes on the hangers for anything I might be able to throw on since all my stuff is soaked.

I listen to the muffled voices as I continue looking.

"Why do I have patients telling me there's a naked teenager running around my yard?"

I cover my mouth as the laugh almost escapes involuntarily. 

"Sorry about that, I accidentally dropped my clothes out the window,"

My eyes water trying to hold back. I can only picture the shade of red his Dad is at this point. I need to distract myself or I'm going to start cracking up and the last thing Gavin needs right now is a naked girl being found in his closet.

Especially one that happens to be his father's patient.

I continue quietly looking through the shirts for one that won't be incredibly large on me.  I find a plain white tshirt and a pair of basketball shorts that I can roll at the waist.

Now that I'm dressed, I take the time to just be nosey and look through his things. His clothes mostly consist of graphic t-shirts and hoodies. They all smell like him and I decide to pull a hoodie down and throw  it on.

He will not be getting this one back.

A black collared shirt falls when I pull the sweatshirt  so I pick it up off the floor and go to hang it. Something catches my eye, though.  It looks older and faded like he wore it a lot and also on the smaller side so he must have been younger when you got it.

I hold it up and my heart feels like it stops when I see the tiny red stitching in the left upper corner.

I run my finger over the word like I need to touch it to make sure it's real.


It's a uniform from my father's restaurant.

Why would he have one of these? I start to suddenly feel claustrophobic and my heart starts racing.  My mind runs in a million different directions as I stare at the words on the shirt.

He knew my Dad. Did he know me?There's no way he wouldn't have made that connection by now and the more I connect the dots, the harder it is for me to breathe.

How could he not tell me something like this?

The door swings open and I spin in surprise, standing there with the faded black shirt still clutched to my body.

"You look cute in my clothes, Doll" He laughs but the smile fades when he sees the anger in my expression.

"What's wrong?" His brows pinch together.

I walk forward towards him, squeezing the shirt in my hands and telling myself over and over not to lose my shit. That there's a reasonable explanation for it and to let him explain.

"What is this?" I hold the shirt out and his face drops. The look on his face confirms all my suspicions. That he purposely kept this from me.

"Please let me explain before you freak out," he says cautiously.  I know he sees the emotion in my face and can see how close I am to flipping.

"I'm waiting,"

He let's out a long breath looking defeated. He runs his hand through his hair nervously.

"I worked in the kitchen,"

I don't think my heart could go any faster than it is. This is when everything starts falling apart. When all the perfect moments turn into a lie and Gavin follows through with all of his promises.

But I'm not ready yet.

"For how long?" I whisper.

He looks down for a few seconds then back up to me. His eyes look sad and apologetic before he answers.

"Almost two years," he says quietly.

I feel like the air has been sucked out of my lungs. I look down at the shirt and back up to the person I felt like I really knew but now feels like a stranger. It seems like such an innocent piece of information but it's not. He knew my father. If he worked there for two whole years, he knew him well and it makes my stomach turn.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Tears fill my eyes because of how betrayed I feel. I knew he was hiding something but this is personally connected to me.

To my life.

"It's complicated," he whispers.

And that's when I lose my shit.

"WHAT'S SO COMPLICATED, GAVIN?!" I push him but he just stands there and takes it. "You worked for MY FAMILY! FOR TWO YEARS!" Tears spill down my cheeks and he just looks at me.

"There's so much more to that, Angel. So much that I can't tell you because I don't want you to hate me,"

"TOO LATE!" I scream in his face, my voice breaking and he flinches.

"You love me, Angel," his voice quiet but angry.

"I don't even know you, how could I love you?" I fire back and I see the flash of hurt in his face.

"I DIDN'T KNOW YOU EITHER!" He yells suddenly, all the emotion he was holding back now flowing out of him.
"The first time I saw you walk into that restaurant three years ago... The first time I realized I didn't want to go another day without seeing you... I DIDN'T KNOW YOU BUT I KNEW I LOVED YOU!"

I take in his words and can't help to get butterflies knowing it's been that long. Why didn't I ever notice him? How could he have worked there so long without me meeting him?

"I've loved you for three years,"

I stand there in front of him, tears spilling down my cheeks and he reaches up to wipe them away.

"You said there's more you have to tell me. How much more is there?" I ask quietly, looking into his eyes.

"A lot,"



This is just the tip of the secret iceburg people....


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