Chapter Eleven

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A/n: You guys know I love cliffhangers..but I never make you long, right?😉😙

I know I said I wasn't picking anyone specific as far as casting but I obviously have a little obsession ^
...Dear lawd


He waits for me to react to his threat with a hint of humor in his eyes. He tilts his head back slightly, his bottom lip brushing mine trying to tease me.

He's playing a game...

"Show me why I should be afraid of you," I dare him, my hands gripping tighter on his shirt in anticipation.

His lips turn up a bit and he tilts his head to the side taking in my words.

He brings his hands to both sides of my face now, running his thumbs up and down my jaw line slowly. He says nothing before bringing his mouth to mine. I close my eyes and take in the soft, fullness of his lips and the way they move.

I finally find out what his beautiful mouth feels like and it's everything I knew it would be. Every time his lips move, I feel it between my legs.

The kiss becomes more urgent and he pushes my mouth apart with his, gliding his tongue against mine, slowly. I moan, pressing my body harder against his needing to feel him fully against me.

"Fuck..." he groans into my mouth as I grind my hips in slow, tortuous circles.

I could kiss him forever. I've never felt anything like what I'm feeling now. My hips move in sync with our tongues and I notice his hands leave my face and slide back down to my hips.

I feel him push me down against him as he lifts his hips at the same time. I take in a quick breath and open my eyes when I feel how hard he is through the thin fabric of my pants. His expression is pure lust as he watches my face before he does it again but this time biting my bottom lip at the same time.

Holy shit, he's good at this....

No one will ever match the way he's making me feel with just a kiss. I've had two boyfriends in the past and neither came close to igniting feelings like this during sex, never mind while only making out.

He breaks the kiss and I'm left a panting mess, craving more of him. He looks just as turned on as me, his hands still massaging the skin on my hips like he's just itching to continue.

Why did he stop?

And then it hits me. I asked him to show me why I should be afraid of him and that's what he's doing.

A thirty second kiss just changed everything.

Suddenly, he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me onto my back across the couch, his body pressed between my legs.

"Gavin," I say, and it's meant to get his attention but it comes out in more of a moan as his mouth connects with the base of my neck.

"Angel," he answers back and I can feel the grin against my neck before he bites my skin, my head tilting back to make more room for him.

His mouth inches towards my ear and my hands glide into his hair as I wrap my legs around his waist. His hips move in slow circles and my eyes close at the feeling of friction between my legs.

"I would never hurt you physically, Angel...." he whispers . His body still moving against mine and I try not to let it distract me but I'm completely lost in the feelings racing through me.

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