Chapter Fifteen

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Shhhh ...I DID NOT update early...

K bye


"So, Angelina..." Dr. Mitchell begins, pulling my attention from my daydreams. It's only Tuesday and I'm already wondering how the hell I'm going to make it through another week of sessions with this guy.

At least my Mom didn't question the fact that they are two hours long now.

"You look distracted today. What has you so preoccupied?"

Your son.

"Nothing in particular," I try to say convincingly but I'm not sure he's buying it.

"Are you sure?"



"Ok, why don't we talk about something a little deeper today..."

Why don't you deep throat a dick....

" had a rather large loss in your life six months before your suicide attempt. Tell me how losing your father impacted your life,"

It was sunshine and daisies...

"It impacted me like it would impact anyone losing a parent suddenly at a young age," I say, trying to hold back the sarcastic attitude but thoroughly failing.

I'm so sick of getting asked these stupid questions.

How do you think it impacted me?

He was my best friend. I could never talk to anyone the way I could talk to my father.

"Everyone deals with death differently," he continues, ignoring my obvious annoyance. "How did your father pass away, if you don't mind me asking?"

I do mind.

It's my least favorite question.

But I give him the story everyone thinks is the truth.

Little does he know, the real answer to that question is the whole reason I'm sitting here at this very moment.

"Heart attack," I lie.


"You look stressed, Pumpkin," he laughs as I throw myself backwards onto his bed. I let out a long breath, thankful to be out of that office today.

"I'm fine," my voice sounds weak and I hate it.

I stare at the ceiling, lost in my thoughts. I hate that these stupid therapy sessions pull out emotions that I don't want to deal with.

"Your Dad's a douche," I state simply.

The bed dips next to me as Gavin sits down.

"Tell me something I don't know," he huffs and lays next to me, looking up also.

"What did you guys talk about that upset you so much?" He asks.

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