Chapter One:Outbreak(Jane's POV)

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The sun rose.It shone brightly into my bluish brown eyes.I opened them slowly.I turned over onto my back.I stared at the pale blue ceiling.I sighed.I sat up,yanking the covers off of me.I grabbed my clothes I was going to wear and walked into the bathroom.I slammed the bathroom door shut.

"Dylan!I'm going to take a shower then I'm going to meet Roxelle at the Curtis house,kay?"I shouted as I began to undress.No response.He must still be in bed.Lazy boy.I turned on the shower and stepped in.

Dylan was my older brother.He's twenty-two.He didn't look much like me.Dirty blond hair that always was in his green eyes.He was tall, lean,and very muscular.Much like Darry.Him and Darry were best friends.Much like each other.

My parents died when I was five.Dylan was the one who looked after me.He always treats me like a baby even though I'm fifteen.

I remember my parents death.It was horrible.I hate talking about it.I was like Sodapop and Ponyboy,no parents just our older brother to watch over us all the time.An older brother to nag and yell at us.

Then I heard a bunch of screaming coming from outside.'Weird.It's usually pretty quiet besides when the Socs beat us Greasers up.Then it's noisy.'I thought.'Besides that it's pretty quiet 'round here.'

I lived not to far from the Curtis house.Roxelle was my neighbor.Just a block or two from the Curtis house.It was easy to get there.Dylan alawys made me get into our rusted up old car to get there.I told him it's easy to walk there but he always disagrees with me."What if you get jumped?!"He always tells me.

I finished washing my hair then I stepped out.I quickly got dry then changed into my clothes.

A grey T-shirt with a leather skull on the front.I pulled on my dark blue jeans and pulled on my socks.I grabbed my black leather jacket with small silver spikes at the shoulders and three pockets on each side, and my black with red laced combat boots.The pockets on my jacket were not right on top of each other.They were in differant places on the front.I quickly put everything on.I tied the laces up tightly.

I walked over to the mirror and started to brush my hair into a ponytail.Small curly bits of brown hair stuck out,framing my face.Some lumps of hair stuck out into my eyes.I pulled them to the left side of my head.But they fell to my left eye.I shrugged.Then I heard another scream.I quickly grabbed my switchblade and put it in jeans pocket.

'Must be a fight or somethin.'I cursed under my breath as I headed out into the hallway.

"Dylan?"I said.The small living room was dark.I turned to my left into the kitchen.For sure Dylan would leave me something to eat.As I walked into the kitchen I saw bloody hand marks on the counter and the bottom side of the fridge."Dylan?"I repeated.I started to get worried.

'Maybe he's at the Curtis house.'I thought.I walked into the living room.I opened the screen door and began to walk off the porch.

Where I lived I wasn't far from the Curtis's.Just a block away.Same with Roxelle.

Then I heard a moan and dragging sound.I looked behind me.It was Dylan.

His eyes were bloody red.Blood dripped from his mouth .His white shirt was covered in bloody hand prints.His right foot was bent to the side.He was pale but the blood was bright.Every time he dragged his foot,a trail of blood came behind.He was limping.He opened his mouth.Bloody spit hung from the top of his mouth.A drip of blood came dripping down from his mouth.A bloody tear came down his right cheek.He closed his mouth.

I froze and turned around."Dylan?What happened?"

He started to swing his arms toward me.As if he was trying to grab something.I started to freak out.Hot tears came rushing down my face.I shook my head.

"Dylan?!Speak to me!"I screamed.He came closer and closer to be.He kept twitching.Then he ran toward me at full speed.I screamed as to my horror I fell onto my butt and hands.I started to crawl backwards.

"Dylan!Stop your scaring me!"I said standing up and running toward the Curtis house.To my horror I fell,hitting my jaw on the sidewalk by their house.I tried to get my switchblade out of my pocket but my hand wouldn't go into the pocket to grab it.It hurt to move any of my limbs.

'Get up!The doors just right there!Get up and run in!You'll be safe that way!'I thought.I tried but it hurt.I screamed in pain as a bloody scream came behind.

"Guys!"I screamed weakly.The moaning of Dylan came from behind."Roxelle!"I screamed.

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