Ch 5 say my name.

Start from the beginning

i walked over to the bed and pulled the curtain back,with as big as this bed was,she was laying on the far end.curdled in a ball facing the opposite way from me.she must be cold.she was wearing a long silk like gown, she wasn't under the covers because i sleep on top of them most of the time and she didn't like pull them up and mess up the bed.

i sat down beside her and leaned over,i brushed a strand of hair out of her face and pulled it back behind her ear.i then lightly brushed my hand along her soft skin,down her arm to her hip,i felt her body shiver under my touch.

"my beautiful angel" i whispered to my self.but i knew she heard me.i knew she was just playing.she wasn't asleep at all.

i smirked and got up and made my way over to the wardrobe.i took off my suit and hung it up,i then unbuttoned my shirt and went over to a cabinet near the fireplace and pulled out a glass and a bottle of red wine,i don't know when it started,but i had made it a nightly ritual to have a drink before bed.

I heard a bit of movement behind me and smirked."you know i don't like to be lied to princess" i looked over my shoulder to see Soerra sitting up slowly."h-how,did i-i lie to you Master?" her voice low.

i chuckled" you were pretending to sleep," i took a sip of my wine as i walked over to her."its much like holding back information... which is the same as lying"

"i-i sorry Master...i-i thought you might be mad" she bowed her head.

"mad, because you where not asleep?" she nodded

"Soerra,i haven't seen you all night,the last thing i want you to do right now would be to sleep..yet sadly it seems we must" i knew the sun had already started to rise.i should have been in bed 10 minutes ago.

"and to think...i didn't spend any time with my little girl tonight" i smirked and she looked up with sad eyes

"i-i'm s-sor-sorry Master"

"Don't apologize Angel i was only playing...and must you call me that?"

"i-i....what would you like me to c-call you Mas-" she put a hand over her mouth.and got up off the bed and went and stood in front of the dying fire in the fireplace.

"anything,just not that...why don't you call me by my name.hmm" i walked up behind her i held my glass of wine in my left hand,as i use my right one to pull her long black hair back away from her neck and shoulder.

"i want to hear you say my name." i whispered right in her ear.i felt her shiver,but this time i knew it wasn't out of fear.

"Pleeeeease.say my name" i took my fingers and followed that shiver right up her spine,the silk gown she was wearing felt good against my skin.

"D-Damaron" she tried to inch forward to got away from my touch,but i just followed.

"say it again" i gave her a kiss on the side of her neck.she hummed a little bit to try and keep from saying the word...or was that a moan?

"pleeeeease,you would make me very happy if you did" i ran my fingers back down her spine.

"Damaron!" i don't think she wanted it to.but it came out as a moan.and thats what i wanted,it just sounded so damn sexy for her to moan my name.and she has no idea how badly that turns me on.

as if she realized what she did,she blushed.and looked down.

"now see isn't that much better then Master." i moved away from her and want and sat my glass down. I almost missed the table, I know I wasn't drunk after just one glass,so I must just be tired...what time was it any way...time for bed thats what time.

"but you are my Master" Soerra spoke in a whisper,i wasn't supposed to hear,but i did,and she almost sounded she was going to cry.

i walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her and whisper in her ear"and i always will be."

i turned her around and pulled her to the bed.and we both climbed in,i got right in the big as this bed was i had to sleep directly in the middle, not too far to the left and not too far to the right...What? i'm Royalty I can afford to be picky like that.

Soerra laid down next to me just far enough so we weren't touching. Before I had time to head hit the pillow, and I was out...............


Man I'm made this in a hurry haha.

ok soooooooooooooooooooooooooo what cha think do you love it,do you hate it haha

don't forget to VOTE XD

i'll put a pic of Damaron in the next ch



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