Immortal Night ch2:Mine

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Immortal Night ch2:Mine

Damaron's POV

"he seems to be getting stronger" my mother said as she came up along side of my.


it was true,Elijah had got in even stronger since childhood.we stood on the balcony over head the watching Eli fight one of our other the moment there are ten wolves being trained as what's called an Elite.the Elites were meant to protect us from an attack.

As of lately the humans seem to be getting bolder. They attack the kingdom during the day while we sleep. A long time ago there used to be a kingdom in the far west of the Seven Lands.the vampires would go to the human villages and take only their women and children, for various

I guess finally the men had enough of it. They snuck in the castle during the day and slaughtered all of the vampires.

thats way Father is obsessed with keeping wolves's funny how we are the only kingdom that uses the wolves to our advantage.we've taken most of them right out of the forests around the Seven Lands.yes werewolves roam free around the Seven Lands, most of them almost never leave their wolf form.

The wolves need very little they protect us during the day.and their up half the night to,participate in the Rumble's. Much like some of the other kingdoms we have an outdoor Rally Pit. It's extremely large, you could easily fit a small village in.the pit's floor was covered in sand.the walls made of rock ,metal gates built into the arena walls laid down to the Werewolves holding cells.

"... You haven't heard a word I said have you?" Mother asked sounding annoyed

I was suddenly snapped out of my train of thought"apologies Mother. It seems my thoughts had carried me away"

"well see to it that they bring you back" a small smile played at the corner of my lips.

"I was reminding you of how strong Elijah has gotten"Mother said looking down into the arena. Eli had on a bronze colored suit of armor. His suit only consisted of a chest plate long enough to cover his stomach and down is back, it molded around his body perfectly, allowing the outline of his muscles to be seen. shin and wrist Bracers. And a sword equipped with a 4 foot blade that curved around at the end. His opponent had all the same equipment, with one advantage,he was in his wolf form

"I still say you should put him in the Rally" Mother stated as she watched the fight

"he's not a Rally fighter Mother, he's a house pet, nothing more"I corrected

"true, but your Father thinks he would make a lot of currency"Mother looked at me

"tell him he can make his currency with his own wolves,Eli is mine" I said narrowing my eyes as I watched the fight.

Eli was quick on his feet. If anything he was just tiring his opponent out dodging all his attacks never advancing himself.

"you always were overly protective with your things"Mother chuckled." Even more so when you were a little boy, I would have thought you outgrow it by now"she added.

"Was it not you who always told me to take care of my things?"I said turning to look at her now.

"I always told you to take care of your 'breakable' things. And we both very well know Elijah is not breakable by any means" she corrected me. I remained silent.just then Kane Eli's opponent threw him across the arena, he hit the sand hard and bounced right back up"is that all you can do"he said with a smirk. I couldn't very well deny my Mothers words,His reaction to pain even impressed my Father, and he's not very easily impressed.

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