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I sit at the kitchen bench, munching away on a lettuce and ham sandwich, knowing very well I should be in advanced algebra right now.
After the whole ordeal with Mr Irwin, followed by walking in on Luke and Cece, I had to leave and come home. I couldn't handle the rest of the day in that place.
Thankfully the walk from school to my house is only about only about a half hour; enough time for me to calm myself down and try to clear my head.
My phone buzzes. I peer over at the screen.



FROM: Luke- Ella, I'm so sorry.

FROM: Luke- Please call me back, I need to know if you're okay.

FROM: Luke- I've never felt worse about anything in my life. I regret it so much, call me.

FROM: Luke- Where are you? Can we talk this out?

FROM: Luke- Ella, please talk to me!

FROM: Luke- I messed up. I'm sorry, let's talk face to face.

FROM: Luke- Ella I can't function knowing you are hurting, call me.

FROM: Luke- I made a huge mistake and I feel terrible. Call me back Ella, where are you?

As I read through his messages, I debate whether to call him or not.
I hate animosity, and despite the fact that my brain is still mostly consumed with images of my encounter with Mr Irwin, I know that I need to at least try to sort this out with Luke.

TO: Luke- I'm at home. Come over after school?

He immediately replies.

FROM: Luke- Yes, of course. I'm so sorry, Ella.

I put down my phone and swallow the last mouthful of my sandwich, before standing up from my chair and starting to wash my plate in the sink.

Suddenly, the front door swings open.

"Ella? What the hell are you doing home?!" Dad, briefcase in hand, glares at me through the doorway.

"I thought you weren't coming home until-"

"I got off early today. I came home to cook dinner, since my friend and his son are coming over tonight, remember?" As he says this, I squeeze my eyes closed.
Fuck, I forgot about that.

"Ella, did you ditch school today?" He asks, putting two and two together as he places his briefcase on the counter and crosses his arms.

Knowing what his reaction would be, I lie.

"No, I just, uh, I just had a headache after lunch so I walked home." My voice becomes notably higher. I'm a terrible liar.

"Whatever. Get yourself into shape, my coworker's son is apparently a very well-rounded boy, so hopefully he will bring your attention you from this stupid Hemmings kid you've been messing around with."

"You can't just control my emotions like that, Dad." I huff.

Ignoring me completely, he walks upstairs, undoing his tie as he goes.

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