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Shit. Shit. Shit.

The sound of the rusty doorknob turning is enough for my reflexes alone to pull my body away from hers and step back in the blink of an eye. Ella quickly shuts her legs, jumps off the desk and pulls down her skirt that's been pushed so far up her legs, her pink lacy underwear is peaking out, as if they're trying to tease me.

"Hey, Ashton, I was just wondering if you were planning on heading out for lunch because I'd love to join you and maybe we could - oh."

Thank god, it's just Rachel.
As she looks up from her handful of papers she examines the situation with her beady blue eyes.

"Hello, Miss Montgomery." She says politely.
Her oblivious facial expression reassures me that she didn't see anything.

Ella, flustered, tucks some of her soft brown hair behind her ear and subtly catches her breath.
"Hi, Miss Stevens. I was just heading out."
She picks up her backpack and heads for the door, before stopping in the doorway, turning to me shyly and saying in that enticingly delicate voice,
"Thanks for the essay help, Mr Irwin."

And just like that, she's gone once again.

Before I can fathom for a split second what just happened, Rachel's stilletos clack along the floor towards me as she tries her hardest to look pretty.

"So, do you wanna go get lunch? Just the two of us? I know this great place where we could go hang out for a bit." She offers, a twinkle of desperation behind her glasses.

This is a daily occurrence for me. I'm not sure why, but it seems that the female teachers here, even the married ones, always have 'a great place we could go for lunch, just the two of us'.
Thinking on my feet, I pick up a clipboard from my desk and, as un-suspiciously as I can, hold it over my crotch to hide pretty damning evidence of what just occurred.

"That sounds nice, Rachel, but I have a tonne of papers to grade. I'll have to pass."
She pouts her lips and slouches her shoulders.

"Fine. One day, we'll go out. You can't avoid me forever, Ash."
Watch me.

As soon as she's gone I exhale, as though I was holding my breath the entire time. I slump into my chair, bewildered.

I almost had sex with my student.
What the fuck are you doing, Ashton?
This girl is 17, you've known her a week, how the fuck have you lost control this much?!

She's like a drug. A drug that makes me lose my fucking mind at the sight of. A drug that I think about 24 hours of the day. A drug that apparently is worth risking my entire career for.
My god though, is she worth it.

Her lips on mine was better than I imagined it would be. The feeling of her soft skin, of her long hair between my fingers, of her submitting to my every move. Fuck, I loved every second of it.
I don't know what it is, it's almost like some chemical attraction that makes her completely irresistible to me.

Jesus, Ashton. What is wrong with you.
Get yourself together, man.


"Of Course Not, He's My Teacher"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora