Chapter 26

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" Happy birthday beautiful" somebody whispered softly into my ear.
" Five more minutes" I mumbled.
" I'm hurt. You haven't seen me in two weeks and you can't even open your eyes to see me." a husky voice said.
I opened my eyes and saw Caleb lying next to me, his hair all mussed up like he had been sleeping.
" Caleb!" I exclaimed.
He laughed softly and rested his hand on the small of my back. He kissed me gently and I wrapped my arms around him.
" I missed you." I mumbled against his lips.
" I missed you too." he kissed my forehead.
I rested my head on his bare chest.
" How did you get in y bed and do my parents know you are sleeping here?" I asked, tracing my finger across his abs.
He ran his finger in circular motions on my back.
" Yeah. Your dad let me in. I came at midnight. That way you were eighteen and I could see you. Plus since you are a legal adult I can sleep with you and he can't say anything. So I hopped in bed and went to sleep." he said softly.
" How come I didn't feel you get in beside me?" I asked.
" Im slick baby." he said playfully.
I laughed softly and looked up at him.
" So who was that chick?" I asked.
He chuckled.
" Yeah. I think you were having a dream about that. You were talking in your sleep." he said with a smirk.
I blushed.
" Oh gosh what was I saying?" I asked embarrassed.
" Oh nothing. That's for me to know." he said.
I groaned.
" Anyways. Who was the chick?" I asked again.
He reached over me and I took in his scent.
I smiled to myself and he lied back down handing me a small wrapped box.
" The lady was the salesperson helping me pick out what to get you. I've never bought a gift for a girlfriend before so tell me if you don't like it."
He said sheepishly.
" Awe. Thank you. And sorry. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions." I said.
I kissed him lightly on the lips then went back to my present.
I shook the box and heard something rattle. I smiled and unwrapped it and there was a small black box. I opened it and in it laid the most beautiful necklace I've ever seen.
It was a small heart that had tiny diamonds on the outline of the heart.
" I love it." I whispered.
He took the necklace out and I turned around and pulled my hair to the side. He clasped the necklace on and kissed the back of my neck.
" Happy birthday love." he said.
I turned back around and kissed him.
" Thank you. It's the best present I've ever gotten." I said with a bright smile.
" Your welcome." he was about to kiss me but my phone rang.
I answered and he lied down, pulling me against him.
" Hello" I said.
Steve and Sarah began singing happy birthday to me and I put it on speaker for Caleb to hear.
After the finished I laughed and Caleb clapped.
" Amazing." Caleb said.
" Thanks you guys." I said.
They laughed.
" Your welcome" they both said at the same time.
" So you guys gonna be able to come over?" I asked.
" Nah. We decided that it be better if you and Caleb just be together." Sarah said.
" Yeah. I need time with my babe." Caleb said and they all laughed.
" Well I'll talk to you later. Happy birthday." Sarah exclaimed.
I said thanks again and we hung up. I tossed my phone onto the chair and rested my head on his bare chest. I played with the necklace and smiled to myself. He kissed the top of my head. Somebody knocked on my door and I said come in. My mom and dad walked in and my mom had a camera in her hands.
" Smile for the camera." my mom said excitedly.
I smiled and I heard the shutter click.
" Happy birthday sweetie." my mom said.
" Happy birthday." my dad said.
My mom handed me a present and I sat up. Caleb just looked so comfortable laying down like we've done this everyday and he belongs in my bed.
I held up a yellow dress with red polka dots on it and smiled. I saw something was attached to the dress by tape and took it off. It was a thirty dollar gift card to my favorite store Charloette Russe.
" Thanks mom! You are the best!" I jumped up and gave her a tight hug.
" Awe. Your welcome dear. But freshen up. We are going out for breakfast. You are coming too Caleb so get ready." my mom said and practically skipped away.
Geez. My mom is so adorable!
" You know your present to you." my dad with with a small smile.
I gave him a hug.
" I love you daddy. Best present you've ever given me." I whispered in his ear.
" Love you too." he whispered back.
I pulled away and smiled.
" No funky business while you two getting ready." my dad said to Caleb.
Caleb laughed and ran a hand through his hair.
" Not a chance sir." he said and my dad chuckled.
" Stop calling me sir. You know me well enough." my dad said with a smile then walked out, closing the door behind him.
" Hey. You don't have to call him sir anymore. That's a good sign." I said.
I grabbed my dress from the bed and a pair of panties and a bra.
" Yeah." he said with a smile.
I went into the bathroom and got into the shower. A couple minutes later Caleb came in and I heard the sink turn on.
" Wanna let me jump in with you?" he asked.
I laughed and continued washing my body.
" Nope." I said.
He spit into the sink and I heard him gargle.
" Did you bring a toothbrush and a change of clothes?" I asked.
I began shampooing my hair and closed my eyes, letting the water run over my body.
" Duh. I knew I was sleeping here." he said.
I heard him walk out and close the door behind him. I rinsed my hair and body then got out but left the water on for Caleb.
I dried myself and got dressed.
" Come take a shower!" I shouted to Caleb.
I looked at myself in the mirror. The dress flowed to right above my knees and fit my body perfectly, showing off all the curves I didn't even have.
" Cute" Caleb said.
I smiled and began brushing my teeth.
" Thanks. It goes well with the necklace." I said, toothpaste dripping.
He laughed and I spit into the sink.
I saw him take off his jeans and I admired his body in only boxers.
" You want some?" he asked with a smirk.
I blushed and gargled mouthwash.
" Shut up and take a shower." I mumbled.
I washed my face and started doing my makeup.
I heard him slip off his boxers and I blushed even deeper.
" I'm behind the curtain but I know you are blushing." he said.
I groaned.
" Shut up."
I put on a light line of eyeliner and a little bit of mascara on my eyelashes. I fluffed my hair and left it wet so my curls would look soft and natural when it dried.
I went into my bedroom and saw Caleb's phone sitting on my bed.
I took it and began taking a million selfies.
Around ten minutes later Caleb came in with a towel wrapped around his waist.
" What are you doing?" he asked, taking his phone away.
He looked at all the photos I took.
" That's going to take forever to delete!" he exclaimed.
I laughed and shrugged.
" Oh well." I said.
" Oh we'll my ass." he said and jumped onto my bed, trapping me with both of his arms on either side of me.
I took in his scent and smiled.
" Get up. You're getting water on my new dress." I complained.
He smiled and my heart skipped a beat. How am I still not used to his smile?
" Oh well" he said.
I put both of my hands on his chest and tried pushing him away.
He laughed and leaned his face closer to mine. A couple droplets of water hit my face from his hair and he laughed softly, brushing it away with his thumb.
"You want to see what's underneath the towel?" he asked with a smirk.
I blushed.
" No. I want you to get off of me." I said.
He leaned closer and brushed his lips against mine.
" You sure?" he whispered.
I didn't answer and he smiled.
" Of course you do." he said.
He moved his hands down to his towel and began to loosen it.
I realized my hands were still on his chest and felt his heart pounding.
He kissed my softly one last time before getting up.
" Its just so easy to turn you on." he laughed.
I blushed and groaned, hiding my face in a pillow.
My heart was pounding and I was trying to slow my breathing down.
" No teasing" I mumbled and heard him laugh again.
I heard him buckle his belt and I got up and saw make up on my pillow.
" Now I have to redo my makeup!" I exclaimed.
He laughed.
" You don't need make up." he said.
I rolled my eyes and went into the bathroom.
"Go downstairs and tell my parents I'll be ready in five minutes." I said with a huff.
He came in behind me and kissed my cheek.
" No make up." he said again, then left.
" I would like to have chocolate chip pancakes with scrambled eggs and bacon." I ordered to the waitress.
She smiled and wrote it down.
She was around her early twenties and kept looking at Caleb, practically drooling.
I ignored her but he winked at her and she blushed.
I held Caleb's hand and she kept on her smile but I knew she was upset.
She walked away and we all talked. We were at Ihop and I was starving.
" No makeup. Just how I like you. Beautiful and natural." he whispered into my ear, twirling a curl in his fingers.
" Shut up." I mumbled but smiled from the compliment.
I decided to put on no makeup but didn't think I looked at that great. I mean I usually wear at least a line of eyeliner or something.
" Awe. You two are so cute!" my mom exclaimed.
" Thanks." we both said at the same time.
My parents laughed and I smiled.
" So you two have been going out for how long now?" my mom asked.
" Almost two months." Caleb responded.
She smiled and nodded.
" Good start." she said.
" Yes. Many more to come." he said with a smile.
I rolled my eyes but leaned into him. It feels like so much longer than two months. I was so in love with him yet I've barely been going out with him for two months. And I'm already wanting sex? Maybe I'm moving too fast. Maybe I'm fast.
" You ok?" Caleb whispered in my ear.
I nodded and smiled up at him.
He raised an eyebrow.
" Loosen up. It's your birthday. We'll talk later." he mumbled into my ear before playfully nibbling on it.
I laughed and swatted his chest.
" Stop. It tickles." I said.
He smiled and just then the waitress came with our food and drinks.
She laid our food in front of us and I sat up.
" Thanks." I said with a smile.
" No problem. Let me know if there is anything you need." she said to us, then left.
We began eating in silence and I closed my eyes chewing.
" So good." I mumbled.
They all laughed and I smiled, taking another bite.
" So just wondering, have you two have sex?" my mom asked.
I heard Caleb choke and I looked at her with my face flushed and groaned.
" Mom! We're eating." I complained.
" Oh don't be embarresed. Sex is a natural thing humans do. You know if your father and I didn't have sex-"
" Oh my gosh mom!" i could feel my face was really red.
" No. We haven't had sex. We are waiting." Caleb said.
I groaned.
" Waiting for what?" my mom asked.
I looked at dad, pleading him with my eyes to make mom shut up. He shrugged and his face was flushed too.
" Waiting for when she is ready. I know she isn't. Plus we aren't rushing anything. We have eternity." he said with a smile and put his arm around my shoulder.
" Great. Can we just finish eating without talking about sex." I mumbled.
My mom and Caleb chuckled but dropped the topic.
We ate in silence and after we finished the waitress brought the check.
" And who's paying?" she asked.
" I am." Caleb said.
" No. I am." my dad said.
" No. I am. You invited me. I pay."
The waitress just set down the check book on the table and left.
" Thats the point. I invited you so I pay." my dad argued.
" But that's a burden. It won't hurt." Caleb said and took the check.
My mom, dad, and I looked at him.
" Just trying to be nice." he said with his dazzling smile.
My parents shrugged and Caleb pulled his credit card out of his back pocket and slipped it into the check book.
The waitress came back and Caleb handed her the check booklet.
" Anything else I can do for you all." she asked.
" No. We are good. Thanks." my mom said.
" Alright. I'll be right back with your receipt." she said and walked away.
We talked for a little while and slipped out of the booth when we saw she was coming.
" Thanks for coming to Ihop. Come again." she said cheerfully and handed Caleb his credit card and receipt.
I saw a quick glimpse of her number on the receipt.
" Thanks doll." he said and flashed her a smile before taking my hand, intertwining our fingers.
We walked out and got into the car, Caleb letting me in first.
We went back home and went in.
We went into the kitchen and there were a bunch of balloons. I laughed.
" Balloons still?" I said with a smile.
My mom laughed as went to the fridge, pulling out a beautiful cake with yellow roses.
" I love it!" I exclaimed.
My mom set it down on the kitchen counter.
" Hun put the candles on the cake and light them. I need to get the camera." my mom said, already going upstairs.
" It's confetti cake. I wasn't sure what kind you wanted." my dad said, lighting the candles.
" Confetti was a good choice." I said gratefully.
After all nineteen candles were lit, one candle for good luck, my mom came downstairs and had the camera in her hands. I stood in front of my cake and Caleb wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me. He rested his chin on my shoulder. They began singing happy birthday to me and after they finished I thought of a wish and blew the candles.
" I love you." Caleb whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek.
" Awe my baby eighteen" my mom exclaimed.
I laughed.
" You're getting old." my dad said.
" I'm not getting old!" I exclaimed.
They all laughed.
" Is it alright if I take Kenya to my house. My mom wants to see her and wish her a happy birthday." Caleb asked.
" Yeah sure." My mom said.
I got up and gave my parents a quick hug.
" Thanks again. You guys are the best parents." I said to them.
I pulled away and they told me to have fun.

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