Chapter 20

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His grey eyes looked so amazing to me right now. My breath was taken away as I looked into them. I missed him so much. And now here he is. Wait. Why is he here in the middle of nowhere?
" Why are you here?" I said, trying to mask how I'm feeling right now.
It took all my strength not to fix my hair and rub my eyes.
" Couldn't sleep. Decided to drive around for a bit" he said, in his husky voice.
He had dark bags underneath his eyes. He hasn't slept in a couple weeks I'm guessing.
He looked at me for a while before turning away and starting the car up.
" So why are you here?" he asked, keeping his eyes on the road.
I stayed quiet for a while trying to decide if I should tell the truth or not.
" Was taking a walk and got lost." I said, looking out the window.
" Take a walk? This late at night?" he questioned.
" Yeah. What's wrong with that?" I snapped at him.
He flinched and I felt bad, but I wasn't about to be all happy and loving to him.
He did leave and avoid me for a month.
" Where are we?" I asked.
" About an hour from home." he said.
Home. I don't consider that place home anymore. I didn't want to go back. I needed somewhere to stay and I know Sarah isn't home.
I sniffled and quickly rubbed my eyes before tears could escape my eyes.
He looked at me sideways.
" What's wrong?" he asked.
" Nothing. Is your mom at your house?" I asked.
He looked at me shocked, then looked back at the road.
" Yeah. Why?" he asked.
" I need to talk to her." I said simply.
He nodded and after sitting in silence for a while, I turned on the radio. I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head on them. I listened to the soft melody of the music. Before I spoke I hid my face from him.
" Caleb." I said hesitantly.
" Yeah." he said.
I wasn't sure if I wanted to ask but I know I needed to know. I took a deep breath.
" What did I do wrong?" I asked.
" What do you mean?"
" Why did you leave me?"
He was quiet for a while.
" I cared too much." he whispered.
I turned my head and looked at him hesitantly. His hands were ghost white from holding the wheel too tight. He took a deep breath before continuing.
" I was twelve and my sister was seven. I was with my grandparents because my parents were on a date and dropped us off. My grandpa decided to take us out for ice cream so we got in the car and left. My grandma was in the passenger side of the car and May, my sister, sitting behind her. I remember she was laughing and smiling and we were all happy. And then a-" he broke off and I waited.
" And then a drunk slammed into us. My grandma. She died instantly. May too. My grandfather died two months later. A heart attack, but I believe he died from missing grandma too much. I was so hurt. Broken. Shit I still am. I promised myself I would never become close to anybody ever again. I didn't want to get attached to someone for them to just be gone out of the blue another day. That's why I screwed around with lots of girls but never stay committed. And when I got into that accident with you and Sarah. I felt so bad. I told myself that you and I would be friends but nothing more. But then we kissed. And that kiss. It was amazing. I felt so much love in it. I was so drawn to you. I couldn't stay away so I stayed with you. Made you my first girlfriend. And at the party when we were kissing in the kitchen. I wanted you so fucking bad. Your touch and kisses drive me insane and i get this feeling. This, electric feel. I don't know how to explain it."
So he feels it too! My heart started beating fast and Caleb parked in his driveway. He unbuckled and I did too. He turned to me and looked at me. It was dark and I couldn't see his eyes and I really wanted to. How did we get here so fast?
" Kenya. I pulled away in the kitchen because I cared too much. I really do. And I'm terribly sorry. I haven't slept in what seems like decades and when I do fall asleep the dreams about you. Your smile, the way you laugh and your nose crinkles up."
My nose crinkles. He laughed and brushed my hair away from my face.
" I love the way you blush when I complement you. And the way your eyebrows knit together and you squint your eyes when you think. It's adorable." he whispered.
He leaned in so there was only an inch between our lips. His breath was coming fast and I wasn't breathing at all.
" I love everything about you." he said in a low husky voice.
He leaned in more and just when he was about to kiss me I took a breath.
" I need to talk to your mom." I whispered, trying to keep my voice from shaking.
I heard him pull away and I opened my eyes.
He opened the door without a word and came over, opening the door for me too.
I got out, mumbled a thanks and walked with him to the front door. He unlocked it and I stepped in.
" Caleb! Where have you been?! You can't keep walking out in the middle of the night. You scare your father and I to death!" she exclaimed.
She was in the living room, facing the tv, watching the news.
" Mom. I told you and dad not to stay up. Anyway. Kenya's here to talk to you." he mumbled before walking upstairs.
I really had wanted to kiss him. But after what he's put me through, I couldn't just let him kiss me. I'm not that easy.
She turned around abruptly and came to me, squeezing me really hard.
Tears came to my eyes and I hugged her back.
When she pulled away she screamed to Caleb that she was going to talk to him later.
She took me to the couch and sat me down and went to the kitchen and came back with hot tea for both of us.
She looked at me and frowned.
" Tell me everything." she said.
And I did. I started from the last party that I went to with Caleb to right now at this moment. I didn't leave anything or any details out. We blushed at certain times and cried when necessary.
After finishing, we drank our tea for a little while and sat there in a comfortable silence. It felt good for someone to be there for me.
" Well Caleb. It was wrong of him to just disappear without saying or telling you anything. But he does love you. And I know you love him. You both may haven't told each other yet but I know it. He looks at you like my husband looks at me. May. We all miss her but he took it the worse. He couldn't forgive himself even though he didn't do anything. Your parents. Well adoptive parents. They love you. They have given you so much love for you. Being good parents, they waited. They did the right thing and you will realize that sooner or later. Your real parents. If you feel like you really need to see them or find out who they are I will gladly help you. And call Sarah tonight. It's not fair you are making her worried. She's your best friend. But for now, get some rest. Oh. And never, ever go walking around in the dark by yourself! Especially in the middle of nowhere. You know better than that!"
I laughed and gave her a tight hug.
" I won't. Thank you so much. I love you." I said.
She hugged me back then pulled away.
" I love you too. Now go call Sarah and get ready for bed. Caleb will give you some clothes to wear. My husbands asleep and I'm not going to wake him up. I'll just sleep in another room."
I got up and walked upstairs quietly. I walked into Caleb's room and he was scrolling through his phone.
" You can wear that." he said, nodding to a shirt.
I mumbled a thanks and went into his bathroom to get changed.
I slid on his shirt and it reached my knees and was extra baggy. I smelled the shirt and a small smile came to my face.
I walked out and he looked up.
" Come on." he said an I followed him to two doors down from his. He opened the door and there was a queen sized bed and he walls were blue.
" The guest room. You'll sleep here. If you need me come get me." he mumbled.
I sat down my clothes on a chair and he got ready to leave.
I gave him a tight hug and after a second he embraced me back.
" I really missed you." I mumbled.
He squeezed me tighter.
" I missed you too." he let go of me and I crawled into bed, pulling my phone out.
He turned off the lights.
" And Sarah." he said.
I looked up.
" Yeah."
" I don't know why your real parents gave you up. Their loss" he said quietly before closing my door.
He heard everything. Tomorrow I will tell him everything. I called Sarah and after her yelling at me for a couple minutes I let her know I was ok and told her I'd let her know what happened tomorrow. She cursed me out for a while but I know she loved me.
" Goodnight baby" I said.
She groaned.
" Fuck you." she said, but I could hear the smile in her voice.
She hung up and I texted my foster mom that I was ok and spending the night at Caleb's.
She texted back ten seconds later asking why I'm spending the night at Caleb's house instead of Sarah's and a whole bunch of other questions. And said sorry for everything.
I texted back I would talk to her in the morning then turned off my phone. I rolled onto my side and closed my eyes, falling asleep as soon as I closed them.

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