Chapter 12

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Caleb's POV

Kenya jumped up screaming, tears streaming down her face, sweat covering her whole body.
She was rocking, holding her knees to her chest, looking straight forward.
Since her parents haven't ran into her room I assumed they were gone. I don't even remember us falling asleep.
I jumped up and looked around then realized nothing was out of the ordinary.
I looked at her and was scared out of my mind.
" Kenya. Kenya." I called her name but she kept rocking.
" Kenya what's wrong?" I asked raising my voice.
She suddenly started screaming again, grabbing her head and I grabbed her, pulling her hands gently but firmly from her head. I pressed her right against my body, holding her tight.
" Kenya. Your scaring the shit out of me." I said, trying to sound calm.
Then I realized she was murmuring.
" What?" I asked.
I leaned my head down and could hear her better.
" I remember, I remember, I remember-" she kept saying repeatedly.
" Remember what?" I asked frustrated.
She was quiet for a while but tears continued running down her face. She kept looking forward and I waited for her to answer my question.
" The accident. I remember, I remember, I remember-" and she kept repeating herself again.
My body tensed and I looked at Kenya.
Fragile Kenya.
Broken Kenya.
Hurt Kenya.
My Kenya.
She remembered the accident.
I stroked her hair and cried myself.
" You're home. You're ok. Sarah's ok. I'm ok." I whispered into her ear.
She stopped talking and her rocking stopped a little.
I held her for a while and didn't dare let her go.
I felt that if I let her go, she was going to fall apart into a million pieces.
" You're home baby. It's over. You're home. In your room. In my arms. You're safe." I whispered.
After a couple minutes of me whispering into her ear and rubbing her back she had managed to stop rocking completely and slow down the tears.
" Blood. Tree. Crash. Metal. You. Sarah. Cars." she whispered.
I cringed, noticing she was still shocked.
" It's over." I whispered again, getting choked on my words.
She looked up at me and I quickly wiped away my tears and then hers.
" You're ok. Sarah's ok. I'm ok" she whispered back to me.
I didn't even care anymore.
I cried and she began crying again too. I hid my face in her hair, breathing in her scent, feeling her hair get more wet by the second from my tears.
She was shaking from crying so hard and I held her tighter,thankful her parents weren't there to experience this.
" I'm sorry" I whispered into her hair.
I kissed the top of her head, keeping my lips there for a while.
She was hiccuping now, her arms braced around me, head buried into my chest.
" I'm sorry" I whispered.

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