Chapter 15

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As soon as we walked in, Sarah left looking for her boyfriend. Caleb took my hand and I got a tingly sensation go throughout my body. I wonder if he felt it too.
The music was so loud that in order for somebody to hear you, you had to scream in their ear.
Caleb was greeted by several guys and some girls. I stood, awkward and when he introduced me to someone I just smiled.
He led me to the kitchen and we got out first drink. I got a coke while Caleb got a beer.
I shot him a look.
" I don't get drunk off of one beer." he said, taking a swig.
It was somewhat quiet in the kitchen since it was blocked off from the rest of the party.
" Fine." I said, opening my coke and taking a sip.
I was about to set it down when I remembered what Sarah told me. I held my cup and was annoyed that I had to carry it.
Caleb heard " Dance" by Big Sean was on and grinned at me.
He pulled me quickly and next thing I knew we were on the dance floor.
Everybody was grinding and twerking.
I've never danced like that and Caleb took our drinks, setting it down on a table.
My back was to his chest and he held me close by my waist.
" Just move your body to the music" he yelled in my ear.
At first I knew I looked foolish and had no idea what I was doing but after a while i started feeling the music and beats.
I got more confident and did my thing and I let my body go.
I didn't think. Just did. And that was the trick to dancing. You let your body go to the music.
After around six upbeat songs i was sweating and I knew my hair was frizzy.
But I was having an amazing time!
Caleb held me by my waist and led me to a couch. A couple was occupying most of the space so I had to sit on Caleb's lap.
" Having a good time?" he yelled.
I nodded and smiled.
He smiled back.
He kissed me gently and moved his lips to my ear.
" You are an amazing dancer." he whispered.
I blushed but looked at him appreciatively.
" Thanks" I whispered back into his ear.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and I leaned against him.
Just then the couple that were making out sat up and I realized it was Sarah and Steve.
Sarah's face was flushed and Steve's hair was no longer perfectly combed.
I laughed.
" Get a room next time" I yelled at her.
" Next time we will" she yelled back with a wink.
I made a disgusted face but laughed.
" Hey I want to dance again. You want to come" he whispered.
" No. I'll just sit here. Don't have too much fun without me." I said playfully.
He smiled and kissed me quickly before sliding me off his lap.
" Can you get me a coke Steven?" Sarah yelled at him.
He nodded and got up.
" Me too?" I yelled.
He smiled, and I took that as a yes as he walked off towards the kitchen.
" Oh my gosh Kenya! I think I'm falling for Steve. Like falling." she said, scooting close to me so we didn't have to yell.
" Like as in the four letter word that starts with a L" I asked.
She nodded, biting her lip trying not to smile.
I looked at her astonished.
" Awww. That's so sweet. Sarah falling in-" I gushed but she quickly cut me off.
" Don't say it. I'm not sure yet." she said but her eyes were twinkling.
I smiled.
" It's the way he kisses me though. Like we have been waiting all our life for this. For each other. And every time we see each other we are both really happy and they way he looks into my eyes. Oh gosh, save me! He is just so, so, so breathtaking." she said, getting more and more worked up.
Just then Steve came back with our drinks and we looked at each other before wiping the top with the bottom of my dress and opening it ourselves.
Steve looked at us like we were crazy but we knew better than that. We laughed and he shrugged, plopping down next to Sarah, kissing her neck.
We drank and talked and I talked to Steve too.
He was actually not a jerk and when I caught him looking at Sarah several times, everything said it in his eyes. I could tell he really liked her. I smiled at them two and was really happy for her.
I told them I was going to walk around said it was nice meeting Steve.
I got up and took my drink with me.
I saw a game of 7 minutes in heaven going on and skipped, since I was all Caleb's.
I walked into a different room and saw a truth or dare game going on.
I sat on a chair, and drank my coke for a while, before joining myself.
Caleb was in the circle but on the other side.
One girl was completely all over him, clearly drunk, whispering things in his ears every now and then and he would smile or laugh softly.
I felt a pang of jealousy but ignored it.
" Alright. Umm, Jayla, truth or dare?" he asked, looking at a girl with short black hair and a gold dress on.
I looked around and noticed I didn't know any of them.
" Truth" she said.
He smiled.
" Alright. Is it true that you have a vibrator?" he asked with a grin.
Her face automatically flushed but she answered a yes with confidence.
Guys hooted and she just smiled.
" My turn. Alright, Alex, truth or dare?" Jayla asked.
The girl that was all over Caleb looked up and said dare without hesitation.
" I dare you to lick somebody's feet in this room" she said.
Alex, with no shame, went over to a random guy and slid off his socks and shoes before picking his feet, and with a wink went back to her spot.
I looked at her in disgust then quickly masked it.
I'm not one to judge people if I don't personally know them. Maybe shes acting the way she is because she's drunk.
" Alright. My turn! Caleb, truth or dare?" she asked, slurring her words.
" Truth." he said with a grin.
" Is it true that you had sex with Jasmine Hone?" she asked.
Everybody looked and I assumed this Jasmine Hone was a big deal.
He looked at me but quickly looked away.
" Yeah." he said with a slight grin and shrug.
I looked at him but he didn't meet my eyes.
" Michael. Truth or dare?" Caleb asked.
Everybody was still staring at him and I made a mental note to ask someone later who this girl was.
" Dare." I really hot guy with red, spiky hair said.
" I dare you to strip naked right now. And keep your clothes off for at least two minutes." Caleb said with a grin.
Michael glared at him and I assumed they were friends by the way the smirked at each other, having a conversation through their eyes.
And with that, Michael slowly stripped and when he slid off his boxers, everybody looked away, except for some girls.
" Alright. Umm. The girl that just sat down. Truth or dare?" he asked.
When no one answer I realized he was talking to me.
" Uhhh, dare." I said, not looking at him.
"Hmmm, I dare you to take off your dress and sit in the middle of the circle for five minutes." I looked at him and noticed he was sliding his boxers back on, since the two minutes were up.
I looked at him shocked and he raised an eyebrow, waiting.
I knew I couldn't turn down a dare so I slid off my dress and sat in the middle, taking my drink with me.
I took a sip, and pretended it didn't faze me.
I heard a couple guys whistling and I looked at Caleb.
His jaw was clenched but didn't say anything. I mean, it was truth or dare.
" Umm, you." I said pointing at a girl with blue hair.
" Truth or dare" I asked.
" Dare" she said.
" I dare you to kiss somebody in this room." I said.
She grinned and she got up and walked my way.
Before I knew it, she had kissed my lips, and I heard hooting and hollering. She quickly pulled away before smiling and going back to her seat.
Well I guess I know she's gay now.
I blushed and looked at the clock on the wall.
It felt weird to kiss a girl. Really weird.
Five minutes had passed so I put on my dress and went back to my original seat.
As I sat down, I found myself being pulled up.
" Aww. Come one keep playing." A guy said.
" Nah. We going to go play some other game now." Caleb said.
" I had fun" I said, smiling at them.
One of the guys winked at me.
" I had fun too" he said,referring to my dare, sitting dress less.
I blushed and looked away and felt Caleb tugging me.
" Bye" they all said and continued their game.
He led me to the kitchen, where it was deserted and he pulled out two beers and passed me another drink, this one being Pepsi.
He opened his and took a long swig.
I cleaned mine then drank too.
" So what's with the dare. Why did you do it?" he asked, looking at me.
I shrugged.
" It's a dare. Just having fun." I said.
He raised an eyebrow.
" Did you see the way those guys were looking at you. Raping you with their eyes!" he said, hearing a hint of anger in his voice.
I think he has had a couple of drinks since before I joined the game.
He kept drinking and I looked at him.
" So. It's not like I had sex with them." I said.
He came closer to me and set his drink down so he could rest his hands on my waist.
" What's with that girl. The one you had sex." I asked.
I knew her name but I didn't want to say it.
I saw something flash in his eyes but as quick as it was there it was gone.
" This girl. It's in the past, ok?" he said.
" I want to know." I said.
I know I was pushing but it seemed important.
" Just this girl" he said.
He pulled me closer to him, and I set my drink down do I could wrap my arms around his neck.
I got lost in his eyes and he kissed me.
I automatically moved my lips with his and let him in when he asked for permission.
His lips roamed around mouth and I could taste the beer.
I hated the taste but I wasn't worried about that right now.
He picked me up and set me on the counter, moving aside the food.
I wrapped my legs around his waist, tugging him closer and he kissed down my neck and my collarbone.
I moaned lightly and pulled his hair softly.
His lips went back to my mouth and I kissed him passionately, running my hands through his hair. As the kiss got more heated I let my hands roam over his chest, unbuttoning his short to reveal his chest.
I continued kissing him as my hands felt his chest and he moaned in my mouth.
I smiled against his lips, and he tugged on my dress.
He slid it up a bit and kissed me even deeper, massaging my upper thighs and I couldn't help but to moan louder.
" I want you." he mumbled in my mouth.
Just then I heard the door swing open and a girl walked in.
I groaned and pulled Caleb away, as hard as that was.
She blushed and mumbled a sorry before grabbing a drink and leaving.
We were both breathless, staring into each others eyes.
I slid down my dress and adjusted my hair.
He picked up his shirt and buttoned it, while I watched.
He helped me get down and took my hand.
" I'm taking you home." he said.
I looked at him but he was expressionless.
" Can you drive?" I asked.
" I'm not that drunk. Don't worry. We aren't going to crash. I promise."
I winced at the word crash but he didn't seem to notice.
I spotted Sarah and we went over to her.
She was with Steve and he seemed sober so she said she would catch a ride home with him and we would talk tomorrow.
We left and it was Nice outside.
The moon was out and the stars weren't hidden by the clouds.
We made our way to the car and when he turned the car on I realized it was three in the morning! Time really does fly when you are having fun.
Caleb didn't say anything as we drove. His face was masked and I couldn't think of what was wrong.
Before I knew it, we were outside of my house and he kept the car on.
I waited for him to say something but he didn't say anything.
" Well goodnight" I said.
" Goodnight" he said back, not looking at me.
What did I do? Was it the game? Was it something I said? Was the kiss bad? Was I asking for too much? Going too fast?
Questions were swimming through my head but I didn't ask anything.
I leaned in to kiss him, but he slightly shifted.
I backed away, hurt.
I got out the car and closed the door, not looking back.
He waited for me to get in my house, which thankfully my mom left unlocked.
I had forgotten Sarah had my house keys and phone.
As soon as I closed my door I heard him drive off.
My parents were in bed so I silently went to my bedroom and threw off my shoes and got underneath the covers, not bothering to shower or change.
I fell asleep trying to figure out what I could have possibly done wrong.

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