Chapter 4

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" Get up or you're not gonna have time to shower you bum." I heard Sarah shout from the bathroom.
I heard the water running and I tiredly got up and went to the sink to brush my teeth while she showered. After brushing my teeth I went to my side of the closet and decided to wear a basic pair of shorts with a tshirt. I yelled at her to get out and I heard her make a couple rude remarks.
She wasn't a morning person. She came out with a towel wrapped around her and I stepped in. I took a shower and washed my hair for about twenty minutes before getting out.
Sarah went into the bathroom to do her hair and makeup while I got dressed. After putting on my shirt and shorts I looked down at my bad leg and saw my scar. It seemed to stick out and bothered me. When I walked into the bathroom Sarah looked at the scar then looked away and smiled.
" I'm not doing anything to my hair."
She looked at me in dismay in the mirror.
" You are getting all the attention today. Even from hot guys! And you are gonna go to school wearing that?! No make up or anything?" she asked amazed.
Sometimes she forgets that I'm shy and really don't like the attention.
" Bumming." I said briefly.
She shrugged and I took the comb from her and combed through my wavy mess of hair and threw it up in a messy bun quickly. I looked at my reflection then at Sarah's. I would never match her beauty.
" You're stunning." she told me making me smile.
" Thanks." I said.
I went into the bedroom to get my spare book bag and walked downstairs, waiting for her to come.
I made myself some toast and I washed some strawberry for her.
" Hurry up!" I yelled.
" Calm your tits! I'm coming!" she came downstairs and grabbed her car keys and we left.
As soon as we parked I saw all eyes looking at me and Sarah.
I sighed and opened my door. I kept my head down and quickly walked to my locker to get my stuff for first period.
" Hey. Don't stress it ok?" I heard Sarah say in my ear.
I took a deep breath and looked at her.
" Just don't like attention" I mumbled and went into class, sitting in my normal seat, avoiding all eye contact of everybody walking in.
I ignored the whispering and doodles in my notebook.
For once I was ready for school to be over.
Today I didn't have lunch with Sarah so I stood in line waiting to get a chicken sandwich when I felt a tap on my shoulder.
I turned around and saw him.
I sat there dumb and confused and he looked at me with those beautiful eyes of his.
" Hey" he said in that husky tone.
He looked like he hadn't slept in days yet he was still handsome.
Today he wore a blue shirt that showed off all of his muscle and his six pac. I blushed and looked away.
I got my chicken sandwich and milk and sat down at my table.
A while later I saw a tray on the table across from me. I looked up and saw him looking at me.
" Mind if I sit here?" he asked softly.
I nodded and saw everybody looking at us then looking away when I made eye contact.
I looked down at my food and we sat there in silence for a while. Both of us eating our food without really tasting it.
" I'm Caleb. I never got to tell you my name." he said breaking the silence.
I nodded and told him my name then regretted it as soon as I said it.
Of course he knows my name.
So stupid!
I looked up from beneath my eye lashes and saw that he had a slight smile on his face and I instantly got red and looked back down.
" How are you?" he asked.
I took a breath and remembered Sarah telling me to not stress.
I looked up and got lost in his eyes immediately.
His eyes were so beautiful that it seemed like it wasnt real. I saw his eyebrow raise and him smiling.
I blushed and looked down then looked back up.
" I'm doing better. You?" I asked.
He smiled even brighter and I felt butterflies in my stomach.
" Better. I'm surprised you are here. I mean with your headaches and everything." he said.
I shrugged my shoulders.
" Had to come to school. But you go here?" I asked then gave myself a mental slap to the forehead.
Duh! Of course he goes here. He's sitting right infront of my isn't he?
So stupid Kenya.
But he didn't look at me like I was stupid. He looked at me confused.
" You don't know me?" he asked.
I tried to remember but gave up and shook my head sadly.
" We never talked before but I'm the most popular guy in school. Varsity football team captain. Senior class leader." he said.
I quickly felt embarrassed.
" Sorry. I just can't remember-" he cut me off.
" Don't apologize. It makes me feel bad." He said, boring his eyes into mine.
" How come you hit Sarah's car with yours?" I asked suddenly.
We were both taken aback from the question but he recovered quickly.
" I was speeding carelessly and even when I braked I was going fast so I slammed into her car. You don't remember anything from that day?" he said.
I shook my head no and he nodded looking down.
The bell rang for us to go back to class and I jumped.
Everybody was clearing out but neither of us made a move to leave.
" I want to say I'm sorry. I never had the chance to tell you personally." he said.
I saw pure sympathy in his eyes.
" I already forgave you. Don't apologize." I said.
He smiled sadly.
" Hey I had plans tonight and was going to hang out with a couple friends at the movies. You want to come along?" he asked.
I thought and decided that it wouldn't hurt so I nodded yes.
" Can I have your number so I can text you when I'm coming to pick you up?" he asked, blushing slightly.
I blushed at his cuteness and took out a pen and wrote my phone number on his hand.
He smiled and got up.
" Oh you can bring your friend too if you want to." he added.
" Ok. I will ask her." I said getting up and throwing my trash away. He came forward as if to give me a hug but I looked down and he backed away.
" Well I'll see you." he said and left with that.
I watched him leave. The late bell rang but I knew my teacher would let me in.
I smiled to myself and walked slowly to my next class.
Feeling amazing for the rest of the school day.

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