Chapter 17

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Kenya's POV

It's been a week since I've talked to Caleb. He hasn't texted, call, or come by.
My mom and dad has noticed and hasn't asked any questions, which I'm grateful for.
I've tried texting him and when I called I left a voicemail.
My phone rang and I eagerly picked up.
" Hello?" I asked with hope in my voice.
" Hey Kenya" Sarah said.
I sighed.
" Hey." I said, less enthusiastic.
She was quiet for a while and I could hear Steve in the back.
She's been spending more and more time with him. They are in love. I know it.
" Any word?" I asked.
" No. I'm sorry baby girl" she whispered.
My heart ached and I shut my eyes.
" Ask Steve" I said, barely audible.
I heard murmuring and after a while she returned.
" He said he has recently talk to him." she said.
My heart sped up.
" And..."
" Hasn't mentioned you" she whispered again.
I nodded as tears streamed down my face.
" I'll call you later." I said, my voice cracking.
" Kenya" she said, sadness in her voice.
Before she could hear me sobbing I said a quick goodbye and hung up.
I threw my phone across the room and cried, not caring that I was hollering.
I cried for being stupid. For him leaving me. For me believing he actually cared about me and thought I was beautiful.
My chest literally ached and I heard a soft rap on my bedroom door.
" Go away" I mumbled, wiping away my tears.
The door opened anyways and my dad stepped in. I was shocked to see him and he came over to my bed, sitting beside me.
" You can cry" he said softly, wrapping a protective arm around me.
I immediately started balling, hiding my face in his shirt.
I cried and cried and my dad just sat there, holding me, rubbing my back and stroking my hair awkwardly.
After about ten minutes, I sniffled and started hiccuping.
I leaned away so my head could rest on his shoulder and I looked up at him.
" You want to spill?" he asked, concern in his eyes.
I took a deep breath and told him everything, without even meaning to.
When I got to the truth or dare and the heated kiss we both blushed.
After I finished he sat there for a couple seconds and after realizing I was done, he wiped away a couple tears and pulled my hair back from my face.
" Well he is just plain stupid. I don't know why he would do such a thing. And to say all that bullshit! Excuse my language. But that asshole. I actually thought he was a decent guy. I swear the next time I see him." my father look furious and hurt.
" No dad. I mean he is all the names you called him. Even though he's putting me through hell I still love him." I said with a sniffle.
I was shocked and my dads face was too before he sighed.
" You really do love him?" he asked.
I looked into my dads eyes and nodded confidently.
I did love him. I loved his eyes and his smile, and the way his hair felt when my fingers were going through them. Lived the way he could make me smile by him just being in my presence. Loved the way his lips felt and the way I felt electrically currents going through my body every time we touched.
I smiled then frowned.
Maybe I'll never feel his touch again.
My dad said something and I looked at him sheepishly.
" He will come around and explain to you what happened. If he loves you he will. And if he doesn't. Then fuck him. There are other guys out there. Plus he's your first boyfriend. You'll have many more, sadly" he said with a grin.
I rolled my eyes but couldn't help smiling. My first smile since Caleb hasn't been talking to me.
He got up and patted my knee.
" Tell me if you ever want or need to talk, ok kiddo?" he said.
I nodded and he walked to the door and was about to leave when I called him.
" Yeah?"
" Thanks dad. I love you." I said, giving him a small smile.
" You too princess." he said with a smile before walking out.

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