Chapter 10

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" You actually became tan" Sarah said as we stood in front of mirror in our panties and bras.
She looked way more golden but I have to admit I for once got a pretty nice tan.
I smiled brightly and looked at myself from different angles.
She laughed put on a baggy gray tshirt before jumping into bed.
It's not often I'm in love with my body so I looked a few more seconds and put on a baggy t shirt just like Sarah except mine was yellow.
We had lied out in the sun for a couple hours then got some ice cream and came home.
It was around midnight and her parents were out on a date and wouldn't be back until tomorrow.
" Let's play truth or dare" she said eagerly.
I smiled and crossed my legs.
" Ok. Truth or dare?"
She didn't hesitate before saying dare.
I thought for a second then grinned.
" I dare you to eat half a stick of butter." I said.
I knew she never turned down a dare so she made a disgusted face and got up.
We jogged downstairs and I opened the fridge. I pulled out the stick of butter cut it in half perfectly.
I handed it to her and shivered.
She shoved the whole thing in her mouth and chewed quickly.
As she chewed I got a glass of water prepared for her.
When she finished she opened her mouth and checked underneath her tongue.
" Hurry up!" she said with her mouth still open.
" Hmm I still see some stuck in your teeth" I said with a grin but backed up and handed her the glass.
She quickly chugged it and got more water, spitting in the sink.
It came out a pale yellow and I grimaced but couldn't help laughing.
" I thought you were going to be a good girl and start easy on me" she said.
I skipped upstairs and she trudged behind me.
After brushing her teeth for a good ten minutes and hearing her gargle for around three she came back in and smiled.
" Alright she-devil. My turn. Truth or dare?" she asked.
I would be stupid to say dare.
She frowned and thought of a question.
" How come you don't have sex? And don't say because your shy" she said.
I blushed.
I haven't told her about my craving for Caleb. I thought of it as my own little secret.
" I want to wait for the right guy. Plus I don't want to disappoint any guys." I said.
She laughed.
" Disappoint?! You know how many guys look at you and think to them self, damn I want to tap that" she laughed again and I blushed.
" Whatever" I mumbled.
She looked at me and smiled.
" You have an incredible body. I don't know why you don't think your beautiful." she said.
I never that of myself beautiful but I never thought I was ugly. I just saw myself as a normal person. It meant a lot to hear I was beautiful. Especially from somebody as stunning as Sarah.
" Yeah yeah. Truth or dare?" I said pleased.
She thought and smirked.
" Dare."
" You dare devil." I laughed.
" Hmmm. I dare you to lick the toilet seat. The whole seat and two cycles around. And a full on lick like how you lick ice cream." I said.
She grimaced but quickly smiled.
" Easy." she said.
She got up and went to her bathroom and got on her knees. She looked at it for a couple seconds before licking the toilet exactly as I told her.
I cracked up holding my stomach and she got up and brushed her teeth once again.
" Truth or dare?" she asked me after she finished brushing her teeth once again that night.
" Dare"
She raised an eyebrow.
"I dare you to go outside in just your bra and panties and sing at the top of your lungs I'm sexy and I know it." she grinned.
" Oh no I can't do that." I quickly said.
" Start stripping" she said.
She got her cell phone and walked downstairs.
I sat there for a minute then slowly took off my shirt and walked downstairs.
On the bright side it was dark outside and was a decent singer.
I trudged downstairs and she opened the door for me with a grin on her face.
I walked out to the middle of the street and stood there like an idiot for a second.
Suddenly I heard the song blaring and saw she had her iPod plugged up to some speakers and I glare at her.
Doors started immediately opened and people stood there, amazed and laughing.
As I sang, my face was getting hotter by the moment.
I heard hoots and clapping when I finished and ran back inside, shoving past Sarah.
I sat on her couch, not believing what I just did.
She soon came inside and I threw a pillow at her.
" I hate you!" I exclaimed.
She laughed and threw the pillow back at me.
I couldn't help but smile. It was pretty funny.
She sat down next to me and pretended to pout.
" You hate me" she asked dramatically.
I grinned.
" Yes." I said and ran upstairs and she followed.
" Not that I care" she smirked.
" Whatever. You couldn't live without me."
She laughed.
" Whatever. I'm done playing though. Watching that entertainment made me tired."
I groaned as I had already thought of her next dare.
I turned off the lights and got into bed next to her.
We talked for a while before drifting off to sleep.

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