I was still in the air, acting all crazy. Kae stood back, laughing. I wanted to snatch that fucking bun off her head and wipe that dumbass grin of her face too.

"Anthony take her upstairs." Mama J said finally revealing who was holding me.

"Kae, I swear to God! Let me catch you somewhere, I'll beat yo ass like you stole from me. Anthony, let me go!" I struggled to get out of his strong arms.

She just continued to laugh. That shit put me on ten! My cursing began again, in her direction only.

Mama J had finally had enough of me. She had Anthony and Chris drag me out of the room. "Let me go." I barked. "You need to chill out." Chris shook me. I just rolled my eyes as they carried me up the stairs.

They carried to Mama J's guest room and sat me on the bed. "Thanks Ant." Chris nodded at him as he walked out.

"Ugh! Fucking bitch!" I yelled as I threw a fit on the bed. "Yo, chill the fuck out." He said through gritted teeth.

"Why is she even here? Hasn't she done- Wait..." I paused. The last time I saw Kae was when Chris & her "broke up."

He seemed to be done with her. To my knowledge, he hadn't had any type of contact with her. But there couldn't be anyway that she had tried to harm our child, and he let her come into this house. Unless...

"You fucking her, aren't you?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows. All he did was kiss his teeth and mutter something under his breath.

"I asked you a question." I gritted. "And I obviously don't wanna answer you." He mumbled.

Nigga, when I say I wanted to smack the his crooked tooth straight, please believe me.

"But I thought we were supposed to be-" I said making him laugh. "Well damn, I wanna laugh too." I said with a stank face.

"We supposed to be working on us, but who you went home with last night?" He smirked.

"You petty motherfuc-" "Imma need you to stop cursing in my mama's house." He said getting in face.

His jaws were clenched as he stared down at me. Not only was he intimidating me, but he was scaring me too. He had never spoken to me like this. Even in our most heated arguments, he would just walk out inside of arguing with me.

"But-" "Shut up!" He screamed in my face making me jump.

"We both agreed to work on this relationship. But you the one that wanted to go home to your 'man'. You know I didn't want yo ass nowhere near him. But you just love to text my fucking patience! And you so damn stubborn too," He vented.

"The only reason I left with him was to breakup with him. Don't nobody want Darius crazy ass." I mumbled.

"You ain't want him, but you was with his crazy ass for four months." He checked me. I smacked my teeth, and tried to walk away from him.

"I'm not done talking to you." He said pulling me back. "But I'm done talking to you." I said snatching away from him.

I headed for the door, only to be stopped by Mama J on the other side.

"Oh God." I muttered. "Sit." She said in a stern voice. I hung my head and turned back around. I sat on her bed, and pushed my hair back.

"Madison, what's going on?" Was the first thing she asked me. I sighed and looked over at Chris- who was eyeing a nigga like I didn't exist- and then finally up at Mama J.

I opened my mouth and went on and on about my life that literally turned upside down with four months.

How I had gotten into a verbally and semi physical abusive relationship. How my bestfriends turned on me. How my life is just fucked up! I couldn't help but cry.

Fan of a Fan 2 (A Chris Brown Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें