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"Dear Kim Taehyung,

I'm writing to you with the utmost sincerity.

Recently I have lost control of myself, my mind, soul, heart and needs so I've become desperate. I depend on you because you're the only thing that makes me feel something, I've attended many therapy sessions and psychiatrists but they all say the same thing and hand me another bottle of pills which I'll never take – I've acquired quite the collection. As I'm writing this I feel stable and in control maybe because I've finally caught up with my prescriptions and taken them all so I'd like to dedicate my first and last sensible thoughts to you.

The boy I love.

With a stable mind and unsteady vision I see I was unhealthy, not eating, self-inflicted wounds and only sleeping when I passed out. I was as you said crazy and im so so sorry that I acted the way I did I deserved every punch, kick and insult I received in this miserable life.

Although I really did love you, you made me feel alive for once so thank you for the two months of happiness and sorry that I am a psychopath. Unfortunately, I do not know the name of my illness so I took the time to do some research and found this.

Erotomania is a type of delusional disorder where the affected person believes that another person is in love with him or her. This belief is usually applied to someone with higher status or a famous person, but can also be applied to a complete stranger.

You are rather strange taetae, I wish I could call you that, but I am not a stranger and I am not delusional, I love- well I suppose by the time you read this it'll be loved you but I guess you didn't love me.

I'm taking your advice and making it stop, the temptation was too divine but now the thoughts are quiet and you are free, so thank you for showing me the way and letting me breathe.

Without you Taehyung I flat line..

Sorry again, Love from



So thats it... 

explanation: jungkook took his life by taking all his pills so his senses came back and he used them to write a suicide letter (i guess) to tae. now im sorry if i didnt use the illness correctly but this is my interpretation. AND NO IM NOT GLAMORIZING MENTAL ILLNESS ITS QUITE THE OPPOSITE AS YOU CAN SEE.

 If you'd like a sequel, im afraid id rather just start a new one because i dont want to ruin what ive created so instead just let me know of a ship other than yoonmin and i shall begin.

Erotomania♡kth;jjkWhere stories live. Discover now