"How did you know?"

"I saw him looking at you up front. I was trying to warn you Tori but you wouldn't listen." He said defensively. I put my hands in my head and felt him wrap his arms around me. And for the first time in thirteen years I was scared.

"It's going to be okay. He is your mate which means he is meant to protect and love you. Just talk to him maybe he'll see reason and not take what is yours but ask to share it?" He spoke so hopifully I couldn't help to believe him but then I remembered all the men I met and realized the truth.

"He is meant to be Alpha so it is not mine for longer. If we mate it won't be me sharing with him it'd be him sharing with me." Then I got the best idea possible. I opened my pack link up. ' My faithful pack I would ask something that may seem small to you but is huge to me.' I felt everyone listening and continued. ' I would ask for everyone to try to keep the rogue away from me. Do not harm him but I ask this for my safety and hoping I have earned such loyalty from my pack.' I heard a chorus of yes and closed the link. When I looked back at Mikey proudly he looked disappointed in me. Before I could open my mouth he stormed off.

' Tori I refuse your request. You are harming yourself and you don't even care.' I felt his words in my head and was left hurt and confused.


Mikey POV

I can't believe that woman. I've been looking for my mate for the last three years with nothing but dead ends and she just throws hers to the wind. I get she's scared but no one would let him take her place. She should have more faith in the pack.... in me. I would never steer her wrong. I love her. No not love like a mate but like a sister. My family loves her and so does everyone else. Why does she think anyone would try to replace her?

Then I realized something. She raised this pack while raising herself. I still remember hearing the reports at six of how our previous Alpha, Luna, Beta, and Third in command were ambushed on the way to a meeting by rogues. She doesn't hate rogues or blame them like the rest of us do but she is wary of them. I just lost my dad but she lost everything. I still remember how I found her broken and crying on the ground then suddenly she had a spark in her like something had awoken and she stood up. She walked out with me trailing behind her and she walked out into the chaos that our pack was left in. She let out a pain filled howl that made everyone quiet and still. That howl still enters my dreams. When she spoke it was the most authority I had ever heard come from anyone let alone a little girls mouth.

"With no other to lead I invoke my Alpha status." She commanded and instantly we felt the power oozing from her. 

"A five year old girl?" A old man scoffed.

"We have no other. She is of blood." I growled at the man. 

" I am all you have and I will do everything I can to keep this pack happy and at peace for my parents." She declared. " First thing this is not to leak out. As far as the world knows Alpha and Luna Silver are still alive. Am I understood?" We all bowed to her and nodded her head. " We will close our borders and strenghthen our pack before taking any meetings. I need a Beta and a Third and since I am young so shall they. Mikey." I looked up shocked at the girl I never talked to until today. "You will be my Beta I have seen your strength and courage countless times along with your compassion. Trevor. You will be my Third. You are cunning and good at putting light of any situation which will be needed in days to come but you also have a determination that I've seen in no one else." I felt the power start to flow into me. " Marcus, you trained my father and mother I would like if you could train us in whatever spare time we are granted. With that we will start working on our pack." 

She gave up everything that she hadn't already lost that day. Any chance to be a normal girl just gone. All to save us now it's my turn to save her from herself. I opened up a door to the library and saw the man I was looking for head bent over a book.

"Rogue what is your name?" His head snapped up.

"Ben.... Benjamin Forest." He stuttered as I walked to him.

"Well Ben it is time for us to have a talk." 


Victoria POV

All day I saw the rogues face. Not really but it was ingrained in my head. His smooth olive face, brown eyes, dark messy black hair, and those lips... I mentally shook myself and focused at the problem at hand. Mikey has been missing. I haven't seen him all day and that is unusal. I was just leaving practice with a group of my friends dwelling on what happened today when someone picked me up. I grabbed on to who evers hands were holding me hostage and stabbed my nails into them.

"Oh my god Tori!" My eyes widened at the voice and spun around. 

"I'm so sorry Trevor. You know how I am about people scaring me." I rambled looking alarmed. I saw Angel run up to him as I yanked my jersey off leaving me standing in my tank top. I knelt down and expertly wrapped his hand up. I awkwardly picked him up as he held on tightly to his hand. I could tell he was trying not to whimper. "Angel in my trunk I have an emergency kit. Keys are hooked to my wallet. Front pocket." She slowly pulled my keys out of my front pocket and ran towards my car as I tried not jostling the man in my arms. 

"Trevor why did you do that you know how Tori is?" Eric asked holding Clare's hand as she looked ready to throw up. 

"Mikey..." He whimpered. " Said to distract."

I frowned before I heard the chaos ahead. "What are you doing?! You know what she said!" I heard Angels shirl voice.She looked up and ran towards us but I froze at the scene. There was Mikey standing glaring at three girls yelling at him. 

"What is the meaning of this?!" I shouted "No one disrespects their Beta in my pack." I was Mikey smirk and the girls shrank back revealing the rogue 'Mate'.

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