Chapter 14

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It didn’t take me long to find the gym at the palace since it was on the first floor near the indoor pool. I headed into the gym and started my stretches before heading to the treadmill to run a few kms.

After doing 3kms on the treadmill I decided to do some sit ups and push ups on the mat on the other side of the room. As I was walking to the mat the door to the gym opened and in walked Ashton, who gave me a look of surprise.

“Far out Reagan you nearly gave me a heart attack, I wasn’t expecting anyone to be in here at this time” he said surprised.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, and I could say the same to you” I replied.

“Funny, I usually go to the gym early in the mornings, because I’m always tired after work, why are you in here” he simply said.

“Well I always rise early, and do my work out so my fitness it up for netball” I replied.

“Fair point, what time did you get in here, I always thought I was early...........I guess not” he replied amused.

“Um around 5.30am so been in here about half an hour, and probably got around 45minutes until I finish” I said.

“Wow that’s dedication” he replied smiling.

“Sure is” I replied quickly.

After our little conversation Ashton walked over to the weights while I walked over to the mats on the floor and started to do my sit ups and push up routine.

I saw Ashton lifting weights on the bar so I walked over to watch in case of accidents happening, when he was done a set he started to put the bar back on when I stepped in and helped him out by taking some of the pressure off him.

“You sure know what you’re doing” Ashton replied puffing.

“well when you have a 19 year old brother and a 20 year old cousin who love lifting weights, you sort of got to learn quick if you want to stop an accident from happening” I said.

“You have a point, do you lift weights?” he asked.

“Me........lift weights? I don’t” I replied

“You should try, it could help give you strength when you pass the ball in netball” he said seriously.

“I will take that on board, oh and thanks for taking me to bed last night” I said as I started to pack up the equipment I was using.

“no problem, and it was fine I was walking passed the room anyway and saw you sleeping so naturally I went and put you to bed, I’m use to putting my niece to bed when she falls asleep on the floor after playing with her toys” he said smiling at the thought.

“You must really miss your family” I said quietly.

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