Ch 11 - the Fear of Swimming

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"That's okay," Luffy interrupted. His face turned solemn as he looked at the swordsman, "Zoro...What would you do if it were you?...After hearing that Robin lied and was taken into custody in order to save us, could you just stay put? It's no use trying to stop him."

"You know me well," Sanji said through the snail and Nana could tell he was smiling, "Hey, Moss Head! Are you worried about me?"

Zoro reacted like someone had punched him in the gut. "Why would I be, you idiot?!" he yelled.

"Be careful," Nana found herself saying, "Lucci and Kaku are really strong even when they were posing as shipwrights. Kaku is really fast and Lucci is just overall a strong fighter."

"Ohhh, is that Nana-chan?!" Sanji's voice went up by an octave, "Ahhh don't you worry, my sweet beautiful angel. I will-"

"Oh shut up, you pervert cook," Zoro growled.

"Ow! Nana-brat-"

"Listen, shitty morimo," Sanji's shouted, cutting off Franky. His voice had grown stern and serious again, "After hearing what Robin-chan was thinking and now with the blessing of Nana-chan, even if the Captain orders me to stand down, nothing can stop me now!"


"Franky was with him," Nana gasped and looked over at Granny Kokoro for confirmation.

"Yes, that's a good sign," Granny Kokoro said with a smile.

"Idiot cook," Zoro grunted, "Hung up before we could get any more information."

"So...he's..the cook?" Nana asked, glancing over at Nami.

"Yeah," Nami said with a shrug, "And really into the ladies too. Don't put too much thought into his flirting. He doesn't mean any harm and you get used to it after awhile."

"Oh." So he treats all the girls like this...

"Luffy, we should get ready," Zoro said.

"Ah,' Luffy agreed.

Nana's eyes almost popped out of her head when Nami started to take off her clothes. Then she realized that Paulie and the other shipwrights were coming back into the room. She hurriedly rushed over to Nami. "Na-Na-Nami," she stammered, "You shouldn't change here. The guys-"

"There's no other car," Nami said without batting an eye and took off her top and bottoms, "They can just watch me change."

Nana turned towards the door in time to see the thunderstruck faces of the men. She raised her hammer at them, "Oy! What the hell are you looking at you perverts?!"

It was no use. The men were mesmerized and blood started to drip out of their nose. Only Zoro, Luffy, Chopper and Paulie were not affected. Zoro had just finished putting on a yellow shirt and was busy tying his swords to his side, Luffy was occupied with trying to jump on Pygmy's back after changing into a black pair of shorts, and Paulie was consciously looking away. Chopper was done changing and wore a pink long sleeved shirt but he was unaffected by Nami's nudity.

"Okay! Now I'm ready for battle!" Nami exclaimed once she finished tying off her bikini top, mini skirt, and slung a denim jacket over her shoulders. She looked over at the men, who were kneeling on the floor, weakened by the exorbitant amounts of blood loss. "What are you guys doing?"

"Don't 'What are you guys doing?' us?!" Paulie thundered at Nami, "How dare you so openly change in front of everyone, you shameless girl?!"

"Nice shamelessness," the men chorused faintly.

"I couldn't help it. We only have one car," Nami said.

"Hide your belly! Belly and legs!" Paulie demanded, his cheeks growing pink. He then turned his wrath on the Franky Family twins, "You guys, too, Square Sisters! People like you corrupt society!"

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