Chapter 6

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Stephanie's POV

After Hunter left for work I mostly just cleaned up and did house work while the boys watched cartoons on the tv in the living room. Every time one of them would giggle it would warm my heart and bring a smile to my face. These boys had been through so much in such a sort amount of time of their short little life spans yet they were both still happy and able to laugh and smile and giggle with one another. Just trying to enjoy life and be good brothers to each other. They were the only family left each other had and they stuck together through it. They were truly good brothers to each despite their young ages. Seth took care of Aj and Aj took care of Seth. I admired their brotherhood. I had a brother growing too named Shane but Shane and I were never close like Aj and Seth are. Shane was always mean and abusive to me. Once I grow up, moved out, moved away, and went to college I lost contact with Shane. My mom said Shane lives in Texas now last I knew.

I had called a doctor earlier and I was taking the boys in to get checked especially Aj with his ankle. Then I have to take them shopping for clothes and stuff. "Come on guys we have to go out to the doctor and then shopping." I said and picked up Aj turning off the tv. Aj whined a bit but Seth quickly got up and did as he was told. Seth put his cost and shoes and I put Aj's coat on. I locked the door to our pent house and the went out to our car. I put the boys in the back and remembered I didn't have car seats for them. I'll have to by them at the store today. I get the boys settled and then start up the car and drive to the doctor's office.

As I'm driving I decide to ask the boys a few questions I was wondering about them. "Hey Seth honey why is your hair two toned?" I asked. Seth shrugs. "I don't know it's away been like that." Seth said. I nodded. "Ok Aj honey does Aj stand for something or is your name actually Aj?" I asked him. "It's Aj." Aj said. "Ok and when are your birthdays?" I asked. "Mine is May 28th and Aj's is June second." Seth said. "Great." I smiled as I pulled into the doctor's office parking lot.

I carry Aj and Seth follows after me. We wait in the waiting room until the doctor calls us for our appointment. Aj sits on my lap the whole time we are waiting.

Then we go in and I explain the situation to the doctor first. He wants to look at Aj's ankle first but Aj starts crying and screaming instead. "Aj it's ok I'll go first and show you it's not that bad or scary." Seth said and let the doctor look at him first.

The doctor looks at Seth and takes an X-ray of Seth to make sure he doesn't have any broken bones from the beatings he got. But Seth doesn't and he is fine.

Next it's Aj's turn now. Seth holds Aj's hand and Aj whimpers the whole time the doctor is looking at him especially when the doctor touches Aj's bad ankle Aj screams and cries in bad pain. I breaks my heart to see him this scared and hurt and in this much pain. I just want to hold him and make him feel better.

The doctor takes an X-ray of Aj's ankle and sees it's definitely really badly broken. He said Aj needs surgery very soon to fix it but for now he put a boot on Aj's foot and ankle and said to not have him walk on it at all. After that we were able to leave. Now onto shopping.

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