Chapter 1

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'' Patience is not about how long someone can wait, it's about how well they behave while they wait''  -Unknown

Arij's POV:

''Can you just help me do something meaningful in my life'' I told Sarah.

''What again?'' She said plunging her hand in the bag of chips.

''It seems like I will never get married'' I said pouting.

''Everyone is dying to get married to you, you're so beautiful, smart and from an extremely rich family, you're everyone's dream!'' She said giving me a tap on my head.

''What my rich family has to do with me.. those ''everyone'' only care about money and figures''

''Stop being pessimistic Arij, you're not gonna die if you can't find your cousin.. don't tell me you're still waiting for him to come riding a white horse'' She told me

''We made a promise.. that we're gonna marry each other''

''How old were you buddy? 11 years old?''

I nodded pouting.

'' I was 11 years old and now I'm 24 years old.. what a shame.. You're my best friend but you don't show any care! Look at yourself eating chips.. your baby will get unhealthy'' I told her putting my hand on her big belly.

I looked at her smiling sadly, she put her hand on mine.

'' I will try to do my best to find him'' She told me smiling.

My best friend was older than me and she was a police officer , married to a famous business man who loved her for who she was, even if her wealth state wasn't that well..

That is the kind of marriage I wanted.. and with that person only.

My first love...

*  *  *  *  *

I went on Facebook and I typed '' Rayan Tred '' but nothing came up.

I have been researching for years for my missing cousin, he had made his marriage promise then he disappeared after moving to another country.

We completely lost contact what made me so suspicious.. was he still alive?

'' Can we have a talk in a cafe I know well?'' Someone I didn't know texted me on Facebook.

What with men these days...

" I'm allergic to coffee, next time'' I replied coldly.

'' We can order some juice!'' He texted back

'' I'm not that thirsty, thanks'' I texted before putting the conversation in the mute option.

Normally, when you're someone who wears hijab like me then men would understand themselves and stop staring and asking to date.. I don't date. I only get married.

- - - - -

'' What's wrong? Why did you ask to meet in this early morning'' I asked Sarah

She held my hands and she stared at me excited.

'' I guess I found him.. he has just arrived to our country one week ago''

I stood up putting my hand on my mouth.

'' What.... How.. '' I shouted

'' I found his name in the list of the passengers of the Tirwer Airport.. but when I searched more about him there was nothing but his office adress, what is actually so strange.'' 

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