"Hey, look!  It says you're an air sign.  Is that why you're such an airhead?"

Leigh slapped her, the older girl chuckling proudly at the joke she made, though she was also serious about her question.

"No, you idiot.  I think the signs have elements or something, here let me click it."  Leigh-Anne tapped her phone on the tab that was titled 'elements', smiling in triumph when she saw she was right.  "See, the signs are divided in to air, earth, fire, and water."  Jesy peered at the screen, looking for gemini.  She frowned when she found it, Leigh seeming to find it at the same time as she huffed out a small laugh.  "Looks like your joke backfired.  You're an air sign too."

"Shut up."

"Hey wait...maybe that's why we're such good friends!  'Cause we're both air signs." 

The two shared a brief moment, just staring at each other, coming to the same realization and idea.

"What if all of our signs are compatible, and that's why we're all so close and happy!?" Leigh continued off of her last idea.

"JADE!" Jesy called, the two of them looking over the back of the couch to where Jade was stood, having returned from the bathroom a while ago, looking at the two older girls as they were geeking out over the phone before going to stand on the side by the snacks and scroll through her phone while it charged.

Said band member glanced up from her phone, quirking an eyebrow.

"What was your zodiac sign again?" Jesy asked.

"The astrological one!" Leigh clarified excitedly.


"Thanks!" the two shouted distractedly as they immediately went back to looking at the phone.

Jade just shook her head in amusement before going back to her own phone.  After a few seconds she started to hear excited 'oooh's and 'oh my gosh!'s coming from the two girls, her brows furrowing as she tried to figure out what they were doing.

"You are so a capricorn, poopey," Jesy commented offhandedly, still not looking away from over Leigh's shoulder.

"Oh my gosh, listen to this!  'Capricorns are very business minded'."

"Holy shit!"

"I know!  It's so Jade!"

The two continued to discuss with each other, Jade just tuning them out at this point.

Until she heard a loud squeal from Leigh-Anne, the sound making her jump a bit before she looked at the two curiously.

"That's why she doesn't cry, like, ever!"

"What are you two doing?" she asked, not able to tune them out or ignore them anymore.

"We're looking at our astrological signs!" Leigh answered, beaming, showing her phone screen to the younger girl, but all Jade could see was the white glare.  "Yours is so accurate, Jade!"

"Oh, also, Leigh and I's signs are really compatible for friendships and stuff, and so we're trying to see if our signs are partially why we all get along so well!" Jesy added.

"Well then...what have you found so far?"

"Capricorn has a pretty okay compatibility with our signs, more so Leigh's than mine, but we don't hate each other or have terrible ratings."

"Oh, so I'm just out of the loop then, ay?  You guys get your super good match and I'm just the 'okay' one?"

"Sucks to suck," Jesy joked, Jade sticking her tongue out at her.

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