Girlfriend 3

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Last part for this imagine:

I quickly scanned over my notes as I waited for my last class of the day to end.

I was craving a [your favorite meal] all day and I couldn't help but wonder how good it would taste at this very moment.

I glanced over at the clock once more and slowly counted the minutes in my head.

As much as I enjoyed this class, I couldn't allow myself to concentrate and actually do my work. My mind has been set on one person and one person only.

I felt so much embrassement when I saw the picture he posted that night. I even felt disappointed in myself for letting myself fall for such a guy. I-

"Ms. [your last name]?"

I quickly stopped my thoughts and lifted up my head wondering who was calling my name. My eyes immediately met with my professor's light brown ones as he continued to stare at me in confusion and curiosity.

"Ms. [your last name], I dismissed class." He informed

I began to look around realizing everyone had left but me. I wasted no time and began to pack up my items wondering how did I let the time go by.

"Uh,Y/N. Is there something going on? You seemed kinda out of it today." He asked while placing his glasses down on his desk.

I looked over at him as I placed my books in my bookbag debating if I should nod my head yes or reply with a simple "no".

"Everything is fine." I replied

He nodded his head before taking a sip from his mug.

"Well if that's the case, don't forget we have a test on Thursday and the chapter review is due Wednesday."

"Okay, I'll have that in." I said while walking out the class room door and towards the main exit.


I closed the car door of my [your favorite car] and made sure it was locked and secure before entering the small market.

I hadn't realized that I completely forgot about my weekend grocery shopping and was almost out of food at home.

I grabbed a grocery cart near by and began to walk through the store searching for what I needed at home.


Once I finally found my last item, I grabbed it and placed it in my now full cart but as I slowly began to push out of the aisle, a cart suddenly hit mine causing some of my items to fall to the floor.

I paid no attention to whoever hit my cart and began to pick up my items on the floor.

"I'm so sorry. Here let me help you." The  person said

I nodded my head and continued to pick up my items hoping I could make it home just in time to turn in my assignment.

Suddenly, his hands met with mines as we both reached for my box of sour patch kids.

I quickly looked up and smiled in order to thank the person but it soon faded when I realized who it was.

I wasted no time and grabbed my candy and placed it back in my cart. I began to push it when I suddenly felt his hand on my shoulder.

"Justin, I appreciate you helping me but I really need to go." I said before turning around and facing him.

"Y/N. Please let's talk this out."

"Talk what out?" I whispered yelled making sure no one around me could hear what I was saying.

"Y/N. There some things I need to talk to you about. Come over. Please."

"Are you insane? I just saw you kissing another girl and all of a sudden you want to talk this out. I waited for you to call me but you never did. I waited patiently for you Justin and what did you do?" I paused waiting for his response.

"Princes-" He quickly stopped himself before clearing his throat. "Y/N, please."

I raised an eyebrow before turning around and fixing the items in my cart.

"I think it would be best for us to move on Justin." I confessed


He placed his hand on my shoulder once again and I felt even worse about the decision I was making. However, I knew it was for the best.

"I don't think we're ready. At least not now." I glanced up from my cart and stared into his hazel eyes.

Surprisingly, his eyes were filled with pain and I could not understand why.

We continued to stare at each other in silence until he cleared his throat before responding with a simple "okay".

I watched as he turned around and began to push his cart without another word.

A/N: last imagine for this book!


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