Best Friends 3

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"Justin don't marry her!"

I suddenly found myself in the toughest situation I could ever imagine. I was standing in front of hundreds of people preventing my best friend from
marrying a girl he claimed to love so much. I could hear the sound of my very own heart beat as the room grew silent.

"Y/N, please sit down." Justin said

I shook my head and slowly began to approach them. I immediately felt self conscious, embarrassed as eyes followed my every move.  I was ashamed at how desperate I was to stop this wedding but I knew what I was doing was only
for the best.

"J-Justin. I can't put into words how much you mean to me. And I know this all seems crazy but she's not the one for you Jay."

"Y/N." His voice suddenly became stern and I felt even more ashamed.

"Justin. How can you- if I did not want you to marry this girl so bad, why would I be standing here in front of all these people making a complete fool of myself?"

"Oh please. You're just jealous." Elizabeth said

I raised my eyebrow and stared at her. I could never be jealous of someone like her. Someone who manipulates people and takes advantage of their love, generosity and vulnerability.

"I'm not jealous of you. I just want to protect my best friend from you."

She rolled her eyes at my words but I turned my attention back to Justin who seemed irritated by me.

She rolled her eyes at my words but I turned my attention back to Justin who seemed irritated by me

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"Justin. Please think about this before you  marry her."

He began to run his hands through his hair indicating he was frustrated and annoyed by what was happening.

"You know what Y/N? Just leave. I can't have you ruining this for me." He said

I felt my knees go numb at his words. Pain was easily read across my face as I stared back at him.

He was kicking me out.

I cleared my throat and slowly began to redeem myself.

"Justin. I would never want to ruin anything for you. Especially on a day like this. I-I just want to protect you."

"What is it that you don't understand?! I don't want to hear anything you have to say Y/N! I don't care if you think she's not the one for me, I love her!"

The ache I was feeling was eating me alive as I let his words sink into my skin. Each one breaking a piece of my heart.

"Now, this wedding is going to happen with or without you. Your seat is right there but at this point, I could care less if you stayed."

I felt my mouth go dry as I tried to find the words to defend myself.

Here I was standing in front of hundreds of people just to protect my best friend and it resulted in me being humiliated by him, himself.

I immediately wiped the tear that fell down my cheek before tightening my grip on my purse and turning towards the exit.


The heat of Los Angeles instantly hit my face as I walked towards my car. I could feel the dress I was wearing begin to stick to my skin as I stepped inside my car and rolled down my window.

I couldn't help but look over at the beach that was right across the building, Justin and Elizabeth were in. The setting was breathtaking. A beautiful scenery that Justin must have picked himself.

I closed my eyes and allowed myself to process exactly what happened.

I lost my best friend.

The guy that I have known for years was no longer a part of my life.

No more laughs

No more memories

No more anything

I wiped the tears that were running down my face and shook my head. I needed to get out of here and forget about everything. I needed to leave this all behind.

I leaned over and searched for my car key in my purse. When I finally found it, I placed it inside the ignition and sped off.

A/N: guys I'm so sorry for the long wait on this one. I wrote one before but I deleted the whole thing because it was just no good. I hope this is okay. I'm going to make a part four!


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