Girlfriend 2

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A couple weeks later:

After the small incident between Justin and I, I decided it would be best for me to leave in order for Justin to figure out what he wanted.

I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't hurt by this whole situation. Truth is, I was mentally broken. I felt as if I was unworthy to be called his girlfriend and that really took a toll on how I viewed myself.

However, that did not stop me from
wanting a call back.

A text.

A knock on the door


I was constantly looking over at my phone hoping his name would pop up on my screen but it never did.

I eventually wanted to give up on our "relationship" and start fresh but I just could not forget about the last 8 months we spent together.

The cute surprises

The warmed cooked meals

The small notes he left me right before he left

They were all so special.

8 months of dating eventually felt like years. I was beginning to grow feelings for him that I've never felt before. Feelings that I usually bury inside. Feelings that I never once thought about having for someone else. It was all happening so fast that I could not control them.

After 8 months, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Justin.

A little fast? I know.

But what I felt whenever I was around him could not be explained in words.

I felt happy

I felt myself

I felt loved

A feeling that every woman deserved.

I was so excited about how I felt that I immediately shared my feelings with Justin hoping he felt the same.

I told him that he meant the world to me and I wanted to take our relationship to the next level.

I was hoping his face would express the same excitement as mine but I was disappointed when he stared back at me with nothing but concern.

He told me he was not ready for our relationship to reach the next level and that we should continue to grow and learn more about each other.

I immediately agreed to his suggestions but I felt like our relationship deserved more. I then introduced the idea of going out to dinner or the movies or even mall but I was quickly denied.

"Y/N, I don't think I'm ready for that." He said

I felt hurt but I tried my best to be reasonably. I postponed our public hang outs and decided to focus more on growing with each other.

However I began to hate the fact that I was being hidden from someone who claimed to love me. I felt ashamed of myself and started wondering why I was not good enough to be seen with him.

I tried denying these thoughts but they just grew louder and louder and eventually I just could not take it anymore.

I wanted to hold his hand in public

I wanted to go out on dates then come home and laugh about our silly mistakes

I wanted to see him interact with fans

I wanted to take pictures with them

I wanted that

Once again I decided to share these thoughts with Justin.

Communication is key in a relationship right?

I told him everything. From my insecurities to my desires and eventually he took them into consideration. I could not stop smiling as he agreed to start taking me out and introducing me to his fans.

I felt everlasting joy. Excitement. Love.

All the emotions I felt where coming out and I couldn't help but pull him in for a tight hug.

That night he informed me on an upcoming interview he had in a few weeks. I immediately knew what was going to happen next and listened carefully.

He told me that he would share the news about his new girlfriend and we would go out on a dinner date the next day.

At the moment, I felt confident in our relationship and I couldn't wait to grow it even more.

The day finally came and to say I wasn't heart broken would be an understatement. I watched that interview with so much hope and admiration and to have it all knocked down was truly unforgettable.


Suddenly a notification from my phone interrupted my thoughts. When I finally found it, I grabbed it off the night stand and clicked on the twitter notification that appeared on my screen.

As the tweet loaded I glanced over at my clock and wondered what was being posted at this time.

When the picture fully loaded my mouth instantly parted as I stared back at the picture.

There was Justin and his ex girlfriend kissing.

A/N: I finally found time to sit down and finish this imagine for you guys.


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