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I shook my knee as I stared at the blank television. So many emotions were running through my body as I crossed my arms and waited for him to walk through the door.

He promised that he would be home tonight. He promised that he wouldn't forget and here I was siting on this couch waiting for him once again.

We were suppose to spend the night together and enjoy ourselves. We had planned to order pizza and wings that night and watch our favorite movies and he even told me as soon as he was done talking to Scooter about his Purpose tour , he would rush home just to see me.

He lied.

I wanted him to keep his word. I wanted him here with me, cuddling and watching movies but instead he was out with his friends drinking again.

I didn't mind Justin going out and enjoying himself with his friends but he had limits. Coming home drunk every night wasn't on my list when I agreed to be his girlfriend. I wanted to support him through everything and be the girlfriend that he deserved but when he acts like this, it makes it harder for me.

I unlocked my phone and stared at my messages, he hasn't responded to any of them. I closed my eyes in frustration and stood up from the couch letting my black dress fall to my ankles. I glanced at the door before walking upstairs.

He didn't show up again.

When I finally reached the last step , I took off my heels and placed them on the side. I began to walk into my room when the door  suddenly opened.

"Y/N" Justin shouted

I could hear his footsteps as he constantly tripped over our coffee table.


His voice was shaky but I managed to understand every word that came out.

"Justin, just get some sleep. We'll talk about this tomorrow." I responded

"Baby guess who came up to me at the club? " He asked

I rolled my eyes and walked into our room. I didn't want to deal with any of this right now. I was irradiated and annoyed by everything and honestly just wanted to lay in bed and fall asleep.

I grabbed my dress and began to pull it off when the door flew open. I immediately glanced over and saw his shirt in his hands and not on his body. I instantly raised an eyebrow wondering why he was shirtless.

"Y/N guess what? " He said while walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I moved away from his grip and stared at him. A different scent filled up my nose as he moved closer to me.

"Why do you smell like a girl's perfume?" I asked

A small smirk came across his face as he stared at me causing me to worry a bit.

"Why in the world was he smirking?" I thought 

"Justin who were you with? " I asked

"That's what I wanted to tell you" He said while placing his hands on my cheek.

I glanced at his neck and saw red lipstick all over it. I instantly touched my lips realizing I hadn't kissed him all day.

He wouldn't do this to me.

"Justin who was kissing your neck?"

"Guess baby." He said while leaning in to kiss me.

I quickly moved and stared at him. I felt the tears build up but I managed to hold them in.

"I'm serious Justin. W-who was it?" I asked

"Don't get mad Y/N, it was just a kiss."

I stared at him shocked by the words that were coming out his mouth. This was exactly what I was afraid of. I knew this was going to happen but I prayed that maybe he was different. That maybe he was smarter and trustworthy than the others.

"What do you mean it was just a kiss!" I yelled

"Why are you yelling?" He asked while a chucked escaped his lips.

I shook my head in disbelief. I knew it was time for me to leave him and everything behind. I was tired of constantly waking up to alcohol breath and a clueless boyfriend.

I walked over to my closet and pulled out my bags. I began to fix my clothes inside the little bags making sure I didn't miss anything. Knowing that I couldn't take everything with me, I told Justin I would be back to grab the rest of my stuff tomorrow.

"Where are you going? " He asked placing his hand on his head from the pain he was suddenly feeling.

"Ask me tomorrow." I responded

"Are you leaving me Y/N?"

I looked over at him and stared into his dark brown eyes. As much as I wanted to ramble on, I knew he would forget everything by tomorrow morning.

I ignored his questions and walked downstairs without another word.

A/N: i'm planning on writing a part two!


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