Our Babies

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I brushed my wet black curly hair before separating it into four sections so I could dry it. It was Justin's and I 2 year anniversary and we had plans to go out and celebrate.

I had picked out my dress and decided how I wanted my makeup to look for tonight as well. I wanted to make sure I looked good for my baby and everything to be perfectly placed on.

I was half way done with my makeup when I suddenly felt Justin's arms wrap around my waist.

"You look beautiful baby." He said

"I'm not even ready yet." I said while letting a small laugh escape my lips.

I looked over at him and realized he was wearing the black suit I had picked out for him. I couldn't help but smile as I admired how perfectly the suit fit him. He had rolled up the sleeves to  expose his tattoos on both arms while showing off his new wing tattoo on his neck.

"Look at you." I cooed as I continued to stare at my husband.

A small smile came across his lips before he ran his hands through his wet hair. I laughed at his sudden gesture but soon stopped when his smile suddenly disappeared and he began to clear his throat.

"Listen Y/N. I wanted to talk to you about something" He said

I raised an eyebrow and slowly nodded my head curious to what he had to say.

"We been married for two years now and I realized that we need something added to our family. We have this whole house to ourselves and nothing to do but work. I know you're busy and tired when you come back but I'm ready for the next step. I want to have kids with you Y/N. I want little beautiful kids running around the house screaming their heads off while we chase after them. I want us to have a family so badly Y/N."

I could feel my heart pounding as I listened to him talk about our future children. I could barley hold my tears back as I listened to his little speech. I didn't know what to do with myself. I was shocked and anxious about this whole thing. I had always pictured Justin and I with kids of our own one day  and knowing it was coming true was a blessing. I wasted no time and quickly placed a kiss on Justin's lips.

I was so bless to have him in my life. This man has treated me with so much respect, love since the beginning. Each and every day I would thank God for finding me someone this perfect. You don't always get the right person in life and when you do you keep them and never let them go.

"Of course, I want to have kids with you Justin" I said

He instantly smiled and pulled me into a tight hug while placing a kiss on my forehead.


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