Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Separation Anxiety

Sonic sat on the edge of the brick-layered street, his feet dipped in the cool refreshing waters of the canals. He looked off to the left, his gaze following the rippling water that lapped the edges. Following it down the main part of the city until it discharged out into the vast, mysterious Mobian ocean. Sonic shuddered, a chill running up his spine as his thoughts travelled back to the last time they were all at the mercy of that very ocean. Back when they still had some peace in their life. Back before the leviathan attacked.

"Hey, you alright?" A voice broke through Sonic's daydream, bringing him back to his senses as he looked up and saw a shadow cast by the burning sun.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just thinking is all," Sonic replied with a sigh. He waited as he felt the presence of somebody sit down next to him their legs dangling down off the edge too, but not quite being tall enough to touch the water with their foot.

"About Tails again?" Blaze asked sympathetically, her own thoughts casting back towards the red echidna she often thought about.

"No," Sonic replied, surprising Blaze. "Well, I mean yeah, I'm always thinking about him but-"

"I know what you mean," Blaze interrupted. "I couldn't sleep at all last night. I couldn't stop thinking of him, of them both, and what happened to them."

"Same here, I just don't know what to do. I miss him so much, y'know?"

"What I do know is that we will see them again. I know we will."

"How can you be so sure?" Sonic asked, his usual optimism leaking out of him like water through a crack.

"Because I have the most powerful emotion in me," she smiled at Sonic.


"More powerful. Hope," Blaze looked over at the horizon where the vast expanse of ocean met the skyline. "One can never truly be sad if they have hope. It's like the tiniest glint of light in a world full of darkness and shadow. And I know that out there, somewhere, Knuckles and Tails are thinking of us. Tails is smart, he'll have the same plan as us. I know they are heading to Mobius and that's where we will meet them again."

"How can you be so sure?" Sonic pondered, still not convinced, although adoring the notion.

"Hope." That was all Blaze said before they sat in silence. After a few minutes of bathing in the warming sun, Sonic spoke up.

That's not the only thing I was thinking about, though. I was just thinking, y'know the creature that attacked us, right?"

"How could I forget? That scaly face will haunt my dreams for months," the cat shuddered just thinking about it.

"Well remember what Abyss said? She called it Levi, like she knew it. What if…" Sonic trailed off as Blaze's eyes suddenly grew large.

"…it was Razor that set that thing to attack us so that we would cooperate with him. Maybe he planned all this…" Blaze finished his thought as the idea suddenly rang true in her mind. "But… but why us? What would he want with us? For all he knows we were just random Mobians on a raft. There is no way he could know that…" Blaze darted around, looking for any eavesdroppers before she whispered in a low voice. "…that your father is the one who started this war?"

"I have no idea, but I'm going to find out," Sonic clenched his fist as he stood and marched off towards the central dome with Blaze in tow behind him.

Vector sat on his throne, a small device in his hands. Suddenly, the almost transparent device began buzzing and the angry crocodile pushed the flashing red button in the center and threw it in front of him and it skidded to a halt in front of him. The light around the device began to falter and fluctuate before a figure began to grow from within, bathed in a blue light. There, standing in front of Vector, was the hologram of a figure, a man that Vector recognized.

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