Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Goodbye Paradise

"Knuckles, what the hell was that?" Blaze glared angrily at him as she spoke in a hushed whisper, yet the anger was quite evident in her words.

"We couldn't have just left her," he shrugged as he stood toe to toe with the violet feline. The two individuals had walked off into the forest, using the excuse of going to find something that they could bring on the trip back to Mobius.

"What, so you are just going to trust her like that?" Blaze huffed, flaring her nostrils at the echidna. "You do remember that this is the same girl that spilt the secret and caused all of us to flee our home and come to this Chaos-forsaken island."

"Hey, don't blame that all on Tikal. Yes, she did a horrible thing but didn't you hear the story. She has changed Blaze, and I think Tikal deserves a second chance to prove herself."

"I don't have a good feeling about this at all," she retaliated.

"When you found out about Sonic and Tails, you originally hated them, yes? Well, you gave them a second chance despite what your gut told you so why is Tikal different?" Knuckles tried to defend the female echidna who the duo left on the beach not moments earlier. The brushed past the thick understory, dodging the fallen trunks and logs that had collapsed due to the immense winds of the storm. Finding wood to fashion a raft would not be as much of a grueling task as either of them had previously anticipated.

"That was a totally different situation!" she yelled, throwing her hands up in the air to emphasize her infuriation of his accusations. The leaves that still stayed fastened to the thin limbs of the trees rustled in the wind around them as the two continued to argue. "Why are you defending her all of a sudden? You've spoken about how horrible she was for the past three months to the point that Tails, Sonic and I had bets going about how many times you would bring her up when we were all sitting and talking together."

"Wait, what? No, never mind, we'll talk about that little bet at a later time," he breathed, pushing the nugget of information to the far spaces of his mind for the time being to focus on the worked up cat. "But I just think that she's telling the truth. I don't know why; I can't explain it…" he trailed off.

"Oh, I see how it is," she narrowed her eyes, speaking in an envious voice. Knuckles tilted his head, furrowing his brows in confusion as he glanced at her, giving her a look that urged her to explain what she meant. "You still have feelings for her, don't you!"

Knuckles remained silent.

"Knuckles…" she said slowly, wanting some sort of response, anything to put her fears at ease. She wanted him to tell her she was wrong, like her thoughts were misguided.

"Come on, we need to get some logs to take back to the beach," he sidestepped around the question, as he began to walk off, picking up some logs in his muscly arms as he went.

"Knuckles! It's true isn't it? You love her, don't you!" She rushed up to him, grabbing his arm to twirl him around so that they were face to face.

"Blaze," he said simply, placing the palm of his hand on her cheek, awkwardly fumbling with the logs underneath his other arm as he did so. "You're my girlfriend. You are the one I like, and Tikal suddenly showing up isn't going to change that," he said sincerely, staring deep into her accusing, amber eyes that softened under his surprisingly tender touch.

"Okay, but I just need to know. Do you still have feelings for Tikal?" She asked again.

"Let's get back to the others, we can grab some more logs on the way," he replied, bending over to scoop up another log before taking off towards the beach, a resigned cat following behind him unsatisfied.

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