Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The Storm

The moon shone high above, shining brightly upon the barren water that extended endlessly out into the wide expanse of ocean. From the small beach, no other sign of land or civilization, giving the inhabitants the feeling of total solitude and seclusion.

The violet feline knelt down next to the makeshift little slab of stone, covered slightly in some mossy substance from occasionally being pelted by the crashing waves when the tide grew high enough and washed its way further up the beach than usual. She sighed, letting a small tear roll slowly down her cheek as she wrapped her hands around the stone.

Blaze laid down onto her side, allowing the cooling winds to blow across her fur as she ran her finger along the little gravestone, feeling the grooves and indents of the words that were sloppily etched into the stone.

Here lies Silver. Friend to many and boyfriend to Blaze. His sacrifice will never be forgotten

Blaze shivered, the cold night air chilling her down to the bone, but she refused to leave the graves side.

"Silver… I miss you," she whispered as she let her head crane upwards towards the heavens. Her eyes scanned the sky, taking in all the little constellations that were created by the dancing stars that illuminated the sky like lights.

"I'm sure he's up there somewhere, looking down at us and smiling," a voice said, startling Blaze and whipping her out of her trance. She quickly darted her head in surprise, her unease dissipating when her eyes fell upon a frowning golden fox.

"Oh, hey Tails, what are you doing here?" Blaze asked casually, looking back towards the grave.

"It's been almost an hour and you never came back up so I came to find you," he replied kindly, walking over to sit cross-legged beside her. "I was worried about you."

"Was it really that long? It felt like I only just got here," she sighed. Tails looked upon the feline with sadness, seeing the pain, hurt and longing in her eyes. She didn't have to say a word, as all that she could ever express was written along her facial features and buried deep within her amber eyes.

"Blaze, you should really come back to the treehouse. It's getting colder by the second and you might get sick if you stay out here much longer," Tails warned with care flooding his words.

"Yeah, I know. But I just miss him so much, Tails."

"Me too, Blaze. He gave his life to save ours. Despite some poor choices, he really was the bravest, kindest person I have ever met," Tails reconciled the feline, placing his hand on her shoulder as she smiled.

"Do you really think he is up there?" she asked, glancing back up at the twinkling stars that peppered the sky.

"I do. I think he is watching us and is happy for the life we managed to secure for ourselves."

"Tails… can I ask you something?" Blaze asked. Tails nodded. "Do you promise to answer me honestly, no matter what?" Tails nodded again.

"Do you think that I'm betraying his memory?" Tails furrowed his brow, confused by the question.

"Of course not."

"No, I mean… being with Knuckles. Like hugging and kissing him. I feel like I'm betraying Silver," she lamented.

"Blaze, all you have to do is ask yourself how you really feel about Knuckles," Tails replied solemnly.

"I… I don't know. I really like him, and not just for looks. He is kind and always looks out for me. Did you know he spent all night watching over me and protecting me when we first got here and has cared for me ever since. I don't care that he is not the brightest bulb because what he lacks in brains he more than makes up for with heart and soul," Blaze replied, deep in thought and reflection.

Sontails: War of Faithजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें