Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Tropical Paradise

The Mobian continent. A land once the pinnacle of peace and prosperity as Mobius, Aves, Macton, Vapos and Zuncon grew together as one united nation. Then one day, one hundred years ago, everything changed when the biggest secret was uncovered. A secret relationship between the lands biggest stars, Mina and Nichole was uncovered, plummeting the entire continent into war as people descended into demons, tearing each other apart. The great war lasted over ten years until one despot, Large the cat, came to power and tried to conquer the continent for the mighty Chaos. The only way the other nations could defend themselves was to join the forces and enact a peace treaty, splitting the land into five.

However, history has a way of repeating itself. One hundred years later, another disciple of Chaos and the grandson of Large, Big, set into motion the gears of war once again all because of the budding relationship of a particular sapphire hedgehog and his golden fox love. Sonic and Tails might have been able to flee the land, but the flames of war they stoked continued to burn in their wake, fanned by the vengeful fury of Wave the swallow after Big mercilessly slaughtered her companions, Jet and Storm.

Three months later…

A loud explosion echoed through the black sky as lead-filled rain peppered the barren wasteland. The deafening explosions and constant bullet fire burst their ear drums, sending high pitched wails rocking through the avian army.

"He's got us pinned, what do we do commander?" the rust furred vixen, clad head to toe in black leather screamed to the swallow ducking behind the trench next to her.

"We can't give up yet! This war has gone on far too long already and I refuse to let that swine live any longer," Wave bellowed in reply, spit flying from her beak as flames raged on in her eyes, lighting her fighting spirit.

"We're out manned and out gunned. As your second in command, I highly recommend retreating," Fiona shouted back over the screams of more of their soldiers being ripped to shreds by the barrage of incoming bullets that seemed to be never ending. Wave glanced over at Fiona, the wisdom of her words evident on her face as Wave nodded solemnly, acknowledging their truth.

"Okay, tell the men we must retreat for now." Fiona nodded before scurrying off to the other small make-shift trenches dug into the barren wastelands situated in front of the grand cliff sides of Aves.

"What's the matter Wave? Running away with your tail between your legs already?" A deep, victorious voice boomed out over the land. Wave clenched her fists, burying the intense hatred she felt down as she tried to perform a strategic retreat with the rest of her troops, avoiding the bullets that still peppered the air.

"General, should we make chase?" a red and black armadillo asked, crouching behind an adjacent tree that the black hedgehog was also concealed behind at the tree line of the forest.

"No, let them run. We don't have a strong enough force for a full frontal assault. Man the front until I return. I must go speak with him," Shadow spoke to the armadillo, leaving him in charge until his return.

Shadow stood, darting from behind his cover to retreat back into the depths of the forest. Wave peeked her head out from behind her cover, checking to see if the coast was clear for her to join her troops in escape when she noticed the hedgehog out in the open.

"Hey, Shadow," she shouted as loud as she could. The hedgehog picked up her call, turning his head to see what Wave was planning when, in one fell swoop, Wave rolled out of cover, aimed her rifle and fired before hastening backwards to join the rest of her army in the safety of the underground bunkers built into the cliff sides of Aves.

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