(5) Diary of a Blind Albino Girl- Elvira's Sight

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Elvira's Sight (Diary of a blind albino girl)

Chapter 4

He had made out with her, more than once. He had been kissing her while texting me. A week later, he had a girlfriend. It wasn't Kali, it was some other girl. I tried not to care. Sure, he had shattered my heart, but I still wanted to be friends. Too bad he didn't.

He started talking to me less and less, his texts becoming one words messages, saying nothing more than "k," or "idk." I refused to give up hope of being friends. I began texting him less, afraid that he would get annoyed. He stopped replying all together. He wouldn't return my calls either. I still texted him once or twice a month, hoping that he would reply. He never answered.

Finally, one day, I texted him, heartbroken and annoyed.

"So did you loose your phone or what?"

I got a reply, and I got excited, even though I knew I shouldn't have. It read,

"Yep. Whoops, look, there it goes again."

That one text took my already broken heart and shattered it even more. He didn't want to talk to me- ever again. We got into one final argument, and he never texted back again. I was 14 at the time, and couldn't have been more upset. He was my best friend, my first huge crush, and my advice column. And just like that, everything fell apart. A year later I lost my sight. He would never know that I was now blind, but then again he wouldn't care either.

I shook my head, trying to rid myself of the painful memories. Here, two years later, I still missed him just as much. Just listening to the first and only song he taught me on bass brought me to tears. I couldn't afford to think about him, nothing good would come of it. After all, what's life without heart break right?

I laughed darkly to myself, and changed, getting ready for bed. I hadn't realized how much time I had wasted, reminiscing. Exhausted, I fell into bed, and slept more soundly than I had in weeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2010 ⏰

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