(1) Diary of a Blind Albino Girl- Elvira's Sight

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Elvira's Sight (Diary of a blind albino girl)


Dear Diary;

It's funny, that I'm writing. Or, typing, rather. I suppose I'll start with saying a bit about myself. My name is Elvira Lanessa Cisum Oiduts. Quite a name, I know. I just go by Lane (from Lanessa).

I'm 16 years old, with snow white hair. I have it cut short- chin length on the sides, and short and spiked in the back. At least I hope.... I have extremely fair skin (so I've heard), and I apparently have a decent body. I'm 5'5, not tall, but just tall enough to not be mistaken for a small child.

If you haven't figured it out already, I'm albino. Oh, how I hate the word. It sounds awful, like it's something you should be ashamed to be. And I'm not. I'm proud of my nearly white skin, and my gleaming hair. I love all of it, except for one thing- my eyes.

Most people think that albino people have red eyes. News flash, we don't- at least, not all of us. I would suppose that I'm an exception, either way. My eyes are a milky white grey, according to my brother. You're probably wondering how I wouldn't know my eye colour. Well, here it is. I'm blind- shocker, right?

Ugh I hate how everyone makes a huge deal about it. I've been blind for 2 years, so I can function perfectly fine without people helping or offering to every five seconds. It's like, HELLO!? BACK OFF! Some people are so ignorant! They're just offering to walk me across the street, or carry my stuff for me, or drive me somewhere. Come on! I can handle doing things myself! I'm blind, not crippled and 80!

Way to go, Diary. You got me all worked up. Happy?

---------------------------------end entry one-------------------------------------------

I don't think I could be more upset with the world. I was albino, I was unpopular, I was diabetic, and to top it all off, I had be cursed with blindness on my 13th birthday. FML. Only thing I was happy about was the fact that, even though I couldn't see, I had wonderful balance and heightened other senses. Not that anyone really cared, when I was the unpopular freaky pale girl.

I grabbed my tan corduroy backpack, and threw my books in it. I always put my stuff in the same place so that I could find it. I had gotten into a routine in the past two years.

"Ciara! Come here girl!" I called.

Ciara was my Doberman, and my guide dog. I liked her, because her size usually scared people off. It probably helped that her name meant black or dark. Kinda creepy if you think about it, really. I didn't mind though, I loved her to death.

I left the house, and began the two block walk to school. Luckily, Ciara was allowed in my classes with me, as long as she was well behaved. I could hear people all around me, laughing, talking, gossiping about boys and crushes and girls and who knows what else. I didn't care about any of it.

My first hour class was art, a class that I LOVED! You'd think that a blind girl wouldn't have to do anything, but the teacher made me do everything the other students did- and I loved her for it. She was one of the few people who didn't give me special treatment because of my disability.

I threw my stuff down next to my chair, and sat down. Or, at least I tried. My chair wasn't there- of course. I heard snickers behind me, and recognized the voice of Raina, the biggest slut in the whole school. I had been stuck going to school with her since elementary school. We used to be really close, but she hasn't talked to me since 6th grade. Whatever, not like I care.

I let a few choice words fly her way, located my chair, and sat down. Time to get ready for yet another long day in purgatory.


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